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201. People are great because of their dreams, and their dreams come true because you believe in yourself

Next is a new project, let’s talk about the blind spots in life, let’s take a look at the self-fulfilling prophecy today~

"It's okay if you don't tell it, but it will come true as soon as you tell it", is there such a thought often, because our psychology likes prediction, because we hate uncertainty.

But the future is the result of a series of actions, actions are the result of actions, and actions are the result of prophecy. In order to confirm this, you will gradually move in that direction.

If you want to like someone, you will convince yourself that you are suitable for him, and then you will accidentally like him, gradually fall in love with him, and finally let yourself be unable to extricate yourself.

Your relationship is on the rocks, you don't want to go to the end, you will silently destroy the relationship, desperately convince yourself (find the other's shortcomings), and the relationship will really slowly go to ruin.

The wind direction is more influential than you think. You can not only lead the wind direction on the Internet, you can lead the wind direction in your mind every day.

Our actions are determined by social perceptions, and subjective perceptions are determined by everyone, so as long as someone successfully leads the way, the collective consciousness of the moment can be changed.

From rushing to buy toilet paper (masks) to Sichuan fans rushing into the Capitol, when these public opinions turn into actions, and actions have consequences, your predictions really come true.

Not because toilet paper really needs to be grabbed, but because everyone is running to grab it!

Not because Sichuan fans are rude, but because Trump lit the fuse and made them think they were going to rush into Congress to protest!

Likewise, a stereotype is not because it's actually true, but people affected by the stereotype feel pressured to perform poorly because they worry (loss of self-confidence). thing, stop labeling others and you won't fall into the trap.

Although we hate being labelled, we often help others to label ourselves. We are labelled all the time. Even if others don’t talk about it, the label seems to stick to the back. You can’t tear it off if you want to. remove this tag.

Think about the stock market. Whenever everyone thinks that the stock price is going to fall, they will stop buying and start selling, and then retail investors will start stepping on people. Therefore, when the media reports, it will fall even worse. Relatively speaking, when the media reports good news, retail investors will Desperately start to buy, and then the main force will start to sell stocks, this is commonly known as the shipping article, the recent Evergreen, the previous one is like this.

When you already have a set idea in your heart, you will convince yourself that you are right . When you find out that the other party doesn’t love you, you can magnify the trivial things, because you want your prophecy to come true eventually, when you find out that the other party doesn’t love you Much like being nice to you, you will make up your mind that the other person likes you.

Therefore, people are great because of their dreams. This sentence is true. What you want is because you believe that you can do it. In turn, you can use it to make things happen when you don’t want to ! Your thoughts can control you future, daydreams will come true!


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