
反對富豪瓜分世界.全球資源人民共享。People Before Profit!

Occupational and Environmental Health Issues in China

China has become the "world's factory" over the past few years, and industrial development has greatly increased employment opportunities. However, this is also accompanied by frequent production safety accidents. Occupational hazards that lead to these safety accidents often cross the walls of factories and are discharged into the natural environment, destroying ecology and harming the health of surrounding residents.

Production safety and environmental pollution accidents that occur from time to time have prompted different groups to pay attention to the impact of those hazards on themselves, their communities, and future generations, and try to find preventive and remedial measures. However, in the process of collecting data to prepare this article, we found that in the research and reports focusing on occupational health, the impact of occupational hazards on environmental health was seldom mentioned; In the factories and mines in China, the poisoning of laborers (reports about food, toys, clothing and other products containing harmful substances, and the impact of laborers are rarely mentioned). Therefore, this article attempts to go through the factory walls to explore the common problems faced by the two fields of occupational health and environmental health, as well as the possibility of cross-border group cooperation and resource exchange.

Since we are not professionals in the field of environmental protection, most of the information on pollution issues can only be searched and sorted from the Internet. In some areas (such as nuclear power plants), there is very little information, and due to the limitation of space and capacity, we can only list these important issues, and initially build a loose and uneven framework for future generations to fill. I would also like to thank friends in the environmental protection circle for their valuable comments.

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