
台大化工所 | Podcast 一百種檸檬味 喜歡閱讀、學習新事物。 粉專內容 : 閱讀心得/ 區塊鏈知識/ 解決問題 我的平台:https://linktr.ee/Lemonway_Learning Telegram推薦文章、書籍:https://t.me/lemonwaylearning

【Atomic Habit-2: Do you understand how habits happen? Or do you only know that nail biting is a bad habit? 】

There are actually four steps to habit building: prompt -> craving -> response -> reward.

There are actually four steps to habit building:

Prompt -> Desire -> Respond -> Reward.

Just as explained in the picture.

But most of the time, we just think that biting our nails is a bad habit, and we can't get rid of it.

(Many habits are formed without people realizing it)

But if we analyze it from the habit loop, we know very well that we bite our nails because of stress. If we first confirm the cause of this habit, we can think about how to reduce stress, we don’t have to bite our nails, we can use other methods to replace and get rid of the original bad habit.

All good habits and bad habits can be analyzed in this way, which can help us more easily understand the logic behind the habits, and then help us establish good habits or change bad habits!

You can try to analyze your 10 daily habits in this way first!

Next time, I will introduce how to start the first step of changing habits!

# Lemonway's daily study notes #Facebook Fanzhuan # Taiwan University # dailygrowth #successful learning #starting with the end #reverse thinking #atomic habits #mind to win #get rich and strong heart #investment #lifelonglearning #create value # community management


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