The Trump Century--FOX Lou Dobbs 新书首发
The Trump Century: How Our President Changed the Course of History ForeverTrump 2020!MAGA!祝大卖!
白宫前国家安全顾问John Bolton回忆录电子版流出
若干小时前,白宫前国家安全顾问博尔顿的回忆录 The Room Where It Happened: A White House Memoir电子版在网上遭泄露流出。500多页,也太长了…😜😜 不过,川大爷还是会当选!Trump 2020!
川普总统又在推上推荐新书了: Great new book out today by DineshDSouza — get your copy today!‼️ OUT TODAY ‼️ 作者United States of Socialism decisively refute...