The Vital Role of Tax Accountants: Navigating Financial Compliance and Optimization
Tax accountants, often unsung heroes behind the scenes of financial operations
The Importance of Reporting Suspected Tax Fraud
Learn about the importance of reporting suspected tax fraud and how it helps to maintain a fair tax system. Find out the consequences of com…
【DAO 101 #11】累進稅率 (Progressive Tax) 對 DAO 中的明星項目課稅
DAO 的困難之處在於,經營者往往也需要對 DAO 進行 注意力管理,所以 DAO 的經營者要想很多方法讓成員關注 DAO 中熱烈發展的專案項目與活動,所以往往副作用也是明星項目的出現。時間一久,就會讓 Web3 社群慢慢回退(Rollback)到 Web2.0 的中心化社群,又…
Bring billionaires to tax liability
How Corporations will Avoid the Tax Hike for Infrastructure Spending
In this video, we look at the recent announcement about a corporate tax hike planned to pay for the upcoming infrastructure spending.
New Bill to REPEAL Taxes on Gold and Silver!
In this video, we look at the bill just proposed to Congress that would eliminate capital gains taxes on specific precious metals sales.