【推文】Yuri Bezmenov's Ghost - [______] think they have a special insight into the way the world works


【推文】Yuri Bezmenov's Ghost - Gnosticism vs Marxism相關推文之一,把各種馬克思主義分支的思想方式方程式化





[______] think they have a special insight into the way the world works. This insight informs their [______], which is tied to a moral imperative to change the world through the process of [______].

[______] 認為他們對世界的運作方式有特殊的洞察力/深刻見解,他們基於這種洞察力/見解建立他們的[______],它與透過[______]過程改變世界的道德要求息息相關



Queer Activists think they have a special insight into the way the world works. This insight informs their Queer Theory, which is tied to a moral imperative to change the world through the process of queering.



Classical Marxism / 古典馬克思主義

The bourgeoisie constructed an idea called class. Being in the bourgeoisie gives on access to a special kind of property called capital. The oppressed underclass, which are the workers/proletariat, are excluded from these benefits.
The bourgeoisie created an ideology called capitalism to maintain/justify this state of affairs. This ideology is pervasive; It permeates and structure society.
The structure is determinant, which means your individual identity is irrelevant. Who you are, what you can think, your character, all of this is determined by your position within this structure, which is entirely determined by your class.
This ideology is mythological, a false story that everyone tells themselves and that they believe like a religion. Thus the oppressor class are made to believe they deserve access to capital while the oppressed class are brainwashed to accept this.
Those in the underclass, the infrastructure, have no ability to influence society. Only those in the upper class, the superstructure, have this power. The goal of Classical Marxism is to awaken class consciousness in the underclass, so that they may agitate for class consciousness in parts of the bourgeoisie who will become a revolutionary vanguard. We can then have a revolution and overthrow the existing society.


Critical Race Theory / 批判性種族理論

White people constructed an idea called Race. Being white/white adjacent gives on access to a special kind of property called whiteness. The oppressed underclass, which are people of color, are excluded from these benefits.
White people created an ideology called white supremacy to maintain/justify this state of affairs. This ideology is pervasive; It permeates and structure society. This structure is called systemic/structural racism.
The structure is determinant, which means your individual identity is irrelevant. Who you are, what you can think, your character, all of this is determined by your position within this structure, which is entirely determined by your race.
This ideology is mythological, a false story that everyone tells themselves and that they believe like a religion. Thus the oppressor class are made to believe they deserve white privilege while the oppressed class are brainwashed to accept this.
Those in the underclass, the infrastructure, have no ability to influence society. Only those in the upper class, the superstructure, have this power. The goal of Critical Race Theory is to awaken race consciousness in the underclass, so that they may agitate for race consciousness in white allies who will become a revolutionary vanguard. We can then have a revolution and overthrow the existing society.


Marxist Feminism / 馬克思主義女性主義

Men constructed an idea called Gender. Being male gives on access to a special kind of property called maleness/male privilege. The oppressed underclass, which are women, are excluded from these benefits.
Men created an ideology called male dominance/misogyny to maintain/justify this state of affairs. This ideology is pervasive; It permeates and structure society. This structure is called systemic patriarchy.
The structure is determinant, which means your individual identity is irrelevant. Who you are, what you can think, your character, all of this is determined by your position within this structure, which is entirely determined by your sex.
This ideology is mythological, a false story that everyone tells themselves and that they believe like a religion. Thus the oppressor class are made to believe they deserve male privilege while the oppressed class are brainwashed to accept this.
Those in the underclass, the infrastructure, have no ability to influence society. Only those in the upper class, the superstructure, have this power. The goal of Marxist Feminism is to awaken feminist consciousness in the underclass, so that they may agitate for feminist consciousness in male allies who will become a revolutionary vanguard. We can then have a revolution and overthrow the existing society.


Queer Theory / 酷兒理論

Cis/Straight People/Socially Accepted People constructed an idea called Normality. Being normal/accepted/ordinary gives one full inclusion/acceptance/full access to society. The oppressed underclass, which are queer/gay/trans/non-ordinary people, are excluded from these benefits.
Cis/Straight People/Socially Accepted People created an ideology called cisheteronormativity to maintain/justify this state of affairs. This ideology is pervasive; It permeates and structure society. This structure is called cisheteronormativity.
The structure is determinant, which means your individual identity is irrelevant. Who you are, what you can think, your character, all of this is determined by your position within this structure, which is entirely determined by your sex/gender/sexuality.
This ideology is mythological, a false story that everyone tells themselves and that they believe like a religion. Thus the oppressor class are made to believe they deserve full access to society while the oppressed class are brainwashed to accept this.
Those in the underclass, the infrastructure, have no ability to influence society. Only those in the upper class, the superstructure, have this power. The goal of Queer Theory is to awaken queer consciousness in the underclass, so that they may agitate for queer consciousness in straight allies who will become a revolutionary vanguard. We can then have a revolution and overthrow the existing society.

順性別/異性戀/社會認可的人創造了一種稱為順性別異性戀霸權(cis + heteronormativity)的意識形態來維持/正當化這種狀況。這種意識形態很普遍。它滲透並建構社會。這種結構稱為順性別異性戀霸權


Ideal Democracy是指從壓迫系統中解放

引用【長片系列 - Changing Tides Ep. 5】Seeds of Collectivism | Stephen Hicks, James Lindsay, & Michael O'Fallo,此文寫的就是各種「壓迫系統」的例子

Ideal Democracy是指從壓迫系統(systems of oppression)中解放(liberated),而向目標推進的方式就是「dialectical process」(辯證過程),也就是當「我們」控制好以下全部:Ideas(思想)、enonomy(經濟)、means of production、culture(文化)、language(語言)或discourses(對話、交流),當State(政府管治者)控制好以上這些而所有人都加入,那烏托邦就會在這世上實現

Intersectionality / (歧視的)交叉性




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