

跨年在读Svetlana Alexievich的《二手时间》,里头提到大家相互传看很多书,其中就有娜杰日达曼德尔施塔姆的书。维基百科里讲她写了两本回忆录,一本叫《希望对抗希望》,另一本叫做《被遗弃的希望》。编者自然也提到了娜杰日达(nadezhda)这个名字的俄语原意便是希望,这些书名因为这些双关,便更有文学意味一些。





As quiet as paper

Osip Mandelstam

The apartment is as quiet as paper.

Empty without any pretense —

And you can hear the moisture bubbling

The pipes inside the batteries.

The property is in order,

The phone froze,

Types of Mantles

They ask outside.

And the walls are damned thin,

There is nowhere else to run –

And I'm like a fool on a comb

Someone has to play...

And I read books,

I'm talking to you.

And fearsome bayou bayou

I sing to the kulaks.

Some kind of artist,

And the flax seed,

Ink and blood mixer

Worthy of such a raven.

Some honest traitor,

Cooked in cleanings like salt,

The wives and children of the

That's what a moth...

Come on, come on, come on.

Seventy years, to begin with.

To you, old and ugly,

Time to kick your boots.

And instead of the Ipokrena key

Home fear jet

It will break into the walls

Moscow bad housing.

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