學習筆記|The Lucky Onion




he would rub his chin and toss his onion in the air

rub (v.) 搓、摩擦

chin (n.) 下巴

toss (v.) 丟、拋

The house was surrounded by rows and rows of onion fields that filled the air with their sweet, pungent, oniony smell.

surround (v.) 環繞、包圍

row (n.) 排、列

field (n.) 田、地

pungent (adj.) 強烈、刺鼻

a man came by with a crate full of Vidalia onions

come by 順道拜訪、短暫拜訪

crate (n.) 貨箱

Vidalia onion 偏甜的洋蔥品種,黃色外皮

cackle (v.) 咯咯大笑

The onion sat on a mound of freshly turned dirt in the middle of an empty onion field.

distracted (adj.) 分心的

roll (v.) 滾動、翻滾

mound (n.) 堆、沙丘

turn (v.) 翻土

He searched under the table and in the cupboards. He looked between the couch cushions and behind furniture.

panicked (adj.) 驚慌

cupboard (n.) 壁櫥

cushion (n.) 座墊

furniture (n.) 家具

All the onions shriveled up and withered.

shrivel (v.) 枯萎

wither (v.) 乾枯(專指植物)

And without crops, the townspeople had no food.

crop (n.) 作物

townspeople (n.) 鎮民

In fact, seeing the farmer in distress, he dug his roots down and began to grow.

distress (n.) 憂慮、悲傷

dig (v.) 挖

root (n.) 根

Farmer Eli awoke with his stomach grumbling.

certain (adj.) 確定的、肯定的

awake (v.) 醒來

grumble (v.) 肚子咕嚕咕嚕叫

gaze (v.) 凝視

delight (n.) 欣喜

Everyone ate their fill and was satisfied.

miracle (n.) 奇蹟

fill (n.) 份量

It stood nearly twice as high as Farmer Eli.

There sat a nine-headed monster.

There sat a mother squirrel and two babies.

eat/drink one’s fill

half the regular price

turn the house upside-down



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庭的生活隨筆新手媽媽,與英文更有緣的日文系。 回頭看發現人生前段有太多空白,決定好好留下點什麼給往後的自己。 我的點滴日記和隨筆隨想。 英文專欄誕生,如果能讓大家也有那麼一點點喜歡上英文,那就太好了! 個人網站:https://www.notion.so/2c1bf3cc145e45c3bfe1f4de0cda17a1
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