順風耳 守諾傾聽者 Clairaudient ,the god will listen to you as he promised
順風耳 守諾傾聽者 Clairaudient ,the god will listen to you as he promised
抬起頭,順風耳就在那,佛家言天耳通,不只能聽到細微聲,甚至能聽到心聲。Look up! Clairaudient on the roof can hear everything including the voice in your hearts.
順風耳與千里眼,非媽祖隨扈,祂們貢獻神通,是信守與媽祖共同守護善良人民的承諾。Clairaudient & Clairvoyance aren’t bodyguards of goddess Mazu. They keep the promise to guard the righteous people together.
信守承諾,方得信任。People trust the one keeping promises only.
(Took with Fuji業務用400 Konica現場監督35WB)