
“AP News”

France: Thousands protest against vaccination, COVID passes

取自AP News網頁

Over 100,000 people protested across France on Saturday against the government’s latest measures to push people to get vaccinated and curb rising infections by the delta variant of the coronavirus.

France: Thousands protest against vaccination, COVID passes



They denounced the government’s decision on Monday to make vaccines compulsory for all health care workers, and to require a “health pass” proving people are fully vaccinated, have recently tested negative or recovered from the virus in order to access restaurants and other public venues. President Emmanuel Macron’s government is presenting a draft law Monday to enshrine the measures.

denounce (v.) 譴責

compulsory (adj.) 必要的

venue (n.) 會場

draft (adj.) 草擬的

enshrine (v.) 載入

Biden grappling with ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated

Two weeks after celebrating America’s near “independence” from the coronavirus, President Joe Biden is confronting the worrying reality of rising cases and deaths — and the limitations of his ability to combat the persistent vaccine hesitance responsible for the summer backslide.

confront (v.) 面臨

combat (v.) 與⋯戰鬥

persistent (adj.) 持續的

backslide (n.) 倒退



Cases of COVID-19 have tripled over the past three weeks, and hospitalizations and deaths are rising among unvaccinated people. While the rates are still sharply down from their January highs, officials are concerned by the reversing trendlines and what they consider needless illness and death. And cases are expected to continue to rise in coming weeks.

reverse (v.) 反轉的

trendline (n.) 趨勢

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