

小引:首届津轻海峡小说国际研讨会参加者一致认为,尽管目前尚不清楚津轻海峡小说艺术究竟会发展壮大成为巨树或高山,还是会演变为虎头蛇尾,昙花一现,很快无声无臭无疾而终,但就目前而言,津轻海峡塑造人物、构筑神话的努力确已蔚为大观,被著名世界媒体Matters News多次报道。

津轻海峡日前发表短篇小说《津輕海峽與特洛伊首次線下會面(4) 》,推出小说人物埃莱娜(Hélène,又名海伦)姊姊,则更是清晰地展现了他的勃勃雄心。追踪华文小说发展的世界各国读者和研究者为此感到欣喜,并高度评价他力图通过塑造一个活灵活现、有血有肉、有漂亮手指的神话人物从而一举超越自《荷马史诗》以来的西方文学。







I didn’t know a girl could sculpt herself into the babe of the century by eating Big Macs :)

我先前还真不知道一个女孩子居然可以通过吃麦当劳汉堡包把自己塑造为世纪美女 :)


A wonder babe with a pair of killing hands, isn't she?


By the way, the Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon tells us that one of the most wonderful scenes to watch under the sun is a pretty baby eating strawberries. Nowadays Big Macs are apparently in vogue.


Another BTW. Such beautiful hands and beautifully long fingers are usually pictured with piano keys. I deliberately bucked or subverted such a cliché, in order to show that beauty can pop up anywhere, against any background, and that you have to capture it pro-actively instead of lazily or blindly following a tried and tired cliché.



It’s a great contrast, I wish fast food had that effect on me 😂



Well, as I said, beauty, including the beauty of the hands which have so enthralled Mr. Tsugaru Strait, may pop up anywhere any time. It all depends on the eye of the beholder. You got to have the open eye or the open mind. Otherwise beauty would easily escape you.



I have been following your story, hope you can write a bit more about the women’s personalities too. It’s nice to read about beautiful women with unique qualities these days even if you’re writing a satirical story.



Thanks for your great suggestion.


In the next installment, you will see me devote more effort to the delineation and characterization of the two lovely women (Hélène sisters) and that fake woman (who as all signs show is actually a misogynist).



——beauty…may pop up anywhere any time


No, I was referring to the effect fast food tends to have on the figure 🤭, not the intent behind the photo.

我不是那个意思,我指的是快餐食品容易对体型造成的影响 🤭,不是照片背后的意图。


May I know what you meant by "No, I was referring to the effect fast food tends to have on the figure 🤭"?

我想知道,你所说的 “快餐食品容易对体型造成的影响🤭” 是什么意思?

Anyhow, I meant to demolish all stereotypes which come my way. Fast food is everywhere these days, and can be consumed by anybody, beautiful or plain-looking, rich or less than rich, American or non-American.... Therefore I tend to believe that fast food would have no effect at all on beauty. Just like a beauty clad in rags is still a beauty.



It was a joke to highlight how lucky the character in your story is, that she could consume Big Macs and still have a jaw dropping figure and lovely skin. I wasn’t commenting on the intent behind your choice of the photo - I actually very much enjoy the the idea of a hot girl digging her lily white hands into a hamburger.



I failed to get your joke, poor me. But I am extremely and hilariously proud that I hit upon the great idea of yours in the process, that is, the beauty looks all the more beautiful for the fast food she is consuming.



It’s all right, I know you’re super serious 99% of the time.


——the beauty looks all the more beautiful for the fast food she is consuming


If I were a man, I would definitely want to date a beautiful woman who can get her burger game on, instead of eating rabbit food everywhere she goes. Beauty is amplified by authentic enjoyment - from a good burger to a good song. But I don’t think I’ve ever met a woman who enjoys having five leaves of lettuce and a cherry tomato for a meal.



I've just checked with the elder sister, and she told me that on that day her burger did contain ground beef (and she told me to keep it secret, as she doesn't want to get involved in the controversy of whether beef consumption is destroying our environment).



Thank you, I enjoy these little character studies you and the other guy are doing (he’s also putting in more effort into his writing too, meaning he takes it seriously, which in turn means you are kind of reaching your initial goal of getting a more crafted reaction). I don’t always like to admit it but conflict can be a great catalyst for creativity, and ironically makes people congregate.



I hate boasting, but sometimes for fear of improper modesty causing misleading impressions I feel obliged to take the risk of being perceived as self-boasting and point out some plain fact.

我很讨厌说大话 / 吹牛,但有时候出于担心不恰当的谦虚造成误导性的印象,我觉得必须冒着被人认为是自吹自擂的风险指出某些实实在在的事实。

Now I have to say, while I have been doing a quite decent job with character studies (that is, characterization), the other guy did a very amateurish, sloppy job, and his/her studies are simply some chaotic, formless, clipped, often nonsensical statements which are haphazardly lumped together, piled up, and then paraded for characterization. Well, in plain English, it's actually called verbal garbage.



——she told me to keep it secret


No need to feel guilty. In half a decade we will all be buying lab grown meat from cell farms anyway. She’s just getting the real deal while she still can.


——the other guy did a very amateurish, sloppy job


Actually there’s been a big change in the relative effort and the time put in, like a dramatic increase in the length of postings and now there is a story arc :) The fun of it is not only limited to the quality of writing, it’s interesting to see how attitudes behind the writing change with stimulation.



While I believe I do understand what you meant by "there’s been a big change in the relative effort (by the other guy)," I have to point out another unsavory plain fact, frankly, bluntly, candidly, that is, the other guy has a fatal flaw in his/her attitude when it comes to writing or discussing.

我想我明白你说的 “(那一位)在相对的功夫和时间投入方面已经有了巨大的变化” 是什么意思。但我不得不坦率地、直言不讳地指出另一个不那么美妙的事实,这就是,在写作和讨论的时候,那一位的态度有致命性缺陷。

He/she seems to believe that his/her amateurishness is superior to authentic effort or authentic professionals, because he/she holds the key to authentic supreme knowledge which is called computer science or plumbing. He/she doesn't know that such an attitude is amateurish, childish, or even worse, clownish.


Yes, he/she may be putting in more effort recently, but I am afraid his/her efforts might be misguided and therefore basically useless, unless he/she changes his/her attitude. As people say in English, attitude is everything. Yes, it is everything. Without it you will end up with nothing.


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