🥢雙連街魯肉飯,吃這三樣 Top 3 Comfort foods dishes on Menu of Shuanglian St. Stewed Pork with Rice , Taipei


🥢雙連街魯肉飯,吃這三樣 Top 3 Comfort foods dishes on Menu of Shuanglian St. Stewed Pork with Rice , Taipei


Comparing to other famous restaurants served Stewed Pork with Rice, “Shuanglian St. Stewed Pork with Rice” is my favorite one in Taipei.

I recommend this restaurant for one simple reason: There’re always seats available.


After I tried everything on their menu, I recommend Stewed Pork with Rice,stewed cabbage & grilled chicken thigh.


They seasoned stewed pork with rice just right. Some people had the wrong idea that the fat of pork won’t hurt. Guess what? It does hurt the taste of stewed pork that could cause lacking of depth.


The price for a large portion is USD.1.30 & a small portion is only USD.0.98. It’s cheap in Taipei. And they also served a “Stewed Pork with Rice & 4 dishes set” for USD.2.42.


Stewed cabbage is a dish trying to cook all stewed pork soup flavor into cabbage. They did this dish just right.


Grilled chicken thigh is the best you can get in Taipei with only USD.1.94 for one to enjoy it in a clean restaurant.


They also served various kinds of soup. I recommend all NT.50(USD.1.61) soups.

雙連街魯肉飯 旅客資訊

“Shuanglian St. Stewed Pork with Rices” Info for tourists:


No.5, Shuanglian St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, Taiwan

營業時間:Opening Hours

Sun.-Fri. 10:00 – 21:00

Sat. rest

Take Taipei MRT to Shuanglian Station.

Then walk to (5 mins):

No.5, Shuanglian St., Datong Dist., Taipei City 103, Taiwan

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