台鐵普悠瑪號零食美人 Beautiful Girls in Taiwan Railway Train Puyuma Express to Hualien
台鐵普悠瑪號零食美人 Beautiful Girls in Taiwan Railway Train Puyuma Express to Hualien
無意讓高鐵正妹不開心,但台鐵普悠瑪號女服務員佔了某種「主場優勢」。There’s some kind of 「home court advantage」 for girls serving Taiwan Railway Train Puyuma Express.
台鐵,在理應展現新風貌的地方,處處透出舊意:這裡一點燈光、那裡一點舊絨毛色,台鐵美人們有時空交錯氛圍陪襯,與光鮮亮麗色調的高鐵相比,多了懷舊韻味。As compared with girls serving Taiwan High Speed Rail, girls serving Taiwan Railway Train could benefit from the retro old atmosphere in all small pieces around the train.
台鐵革新緩慢,反而搭了舞台,讓女服務員穿梭在復古劇場裡。Taiwan Railway Train offered a retro stage for these lovely girls being actresses of old days.
(Took with Fuji業務用400 + Konica現場監督35WB)
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