雨天最佳救援投手是熱花生湯 Nothing could save you from rainy days blue but the Taiwanese hot peanuts soup


雨天最佳救援投手是熱花生湯 Nothing could save you from rainy days blue but the Taiwanese hot peanuts soup


又一個情緒低落的雨天,你身心俱疲,眼看憂鬱就要衝回本壘得分,你該派熱花生湯上場救援。It’s another gloomy rainy day that kept you down. And you don’t want your blue scored. You should send a bowl of Taiwanese hot peanuts soup on the mound.

熱花生湯有三種球路:讓你迅速補血的直球、讓你感受溫暖的曲球、讓你咀嚼人生起落的變速球。Taiwanese hot peanuts soup can pitch the fastball to make you up and the curve to make you warm and the change-up to make you see through the life.

熱花生湯上場時刻到了! It’s peanuts soup time!

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