High salary = how much your organs are worth! Beware of overseas job scams and traps

360d 才庫人事顧問
If you want to find an ideal job vacancy, it is suggested that you can also make good use of various employment resources in China. On the job search platform, the company's bank account will generally publish background information. Job seekers can collect relevant information about the company from various sources for verification. The information contained in the promotion system, education and training, welfare system and other information can also be used as a reference for personal career development.

[Start of the text] The author of this article 360d Talent Bank Business Group

Continuing the previous article , it is not easy to rescue transnational crimes, and there are many tricks and tricks to prevent!

In addition to reminding job seekers that they need to beware of the constantly updated words of fraudulent groups, the more important thing is how to identify and screen legitimate and decent companies in the job market, and find suitable vacancies in order to obtain tickets to the ideal company.

Beware >> Criminal modus operandi update

Since overseas recruitment scam advertisements have been widely reported by the media, the fraud group has continued to update different criminal methods, including:

▸ For professionals, performers, makeup stylists and photographers

To deceive to go to the local area to perform specific professional work, reduce alertness, and mistake it for an ordinary project execution opportunity.

▸ Change of Tone Staff Travel

According to reports, the criminal group first opened a new company in Taiwan. After a period of normal operation, the entire team of the company was brought directly into Southeast Asia for human trafficking in the name of employee travel.

▸ Travel to work country change

Other countries such as Thailand, Myanmar and other places are the main focus, and the salary is lowered to create authenticity.

Overseas job hunting, be careful

Many people will have a fluke mentality and want to fly over and have a look. If the signs are not right, I will go back to China immediately, but according to the reminder from the Ministry of the Interior, "Once you get off the plane and meet someone from a criminal group, you will lose your freedom in an instant, day and night. Imprisoned, beaten, sexually assaulted.”, and even taken away visas and mobile phones, making it difficult for victims to seek outside help.

If you want to develop overseas, the most important thing is to confirm the information first and do your homework, including the real situation of the country you are going to, the credibility of the matchmaking agency, and the reasonableness of treatment and income. The Chinese Overseas Employment Resource Center searches for relevant information, and when consulting online information, you must also pay attention to whether the content is exaggerated. 360d Caiku Business Group reminds that, after all, overseas work requires going to a place that is unfamiliar to one’s life. Job title, language ability and corporate culture will affect the adaptability at the time of employment. It is emphasized that inexperienced and relaxed work must be deceitful, and it is recommended to apply for a job No matter whether they want to develop overseas or not, they must be vigilant about the authenticity of job advertisements.

If you want to find an ideal job vacancy, it is suggested that you can also make good use of various employment resources in China. On the job search platform, the company's bank account will generally publish background information. Job seekers can collect relevant information about the company from various sources for verification. The information contained in the promotion system, education and training, welfare system and other information can also be used as a reference for personal career development.

360d Talent Bank has been engaged in human resources services for more than 30 years. In the changing circumstances of the current situation, we can keep abreast of the changes and pulse of the job market. Over the years, we have provided talent recruitment services for many major domestic enterprises with good reputation. In order to help the company find the "right person", self-developed psychological assessment tools are used in the selection process, and through scientific data, the characteristics of job seekers are compared with those of job seekers. The advantages are matched with the job requirements of the enterprise, so as to realize the ideal of the right place for the enterprise. Helping talents not only "find a job", but also through an effective selection standard mechanism, can "join a suitable and ideal team", "use the advantages of expertise, Give full play to the value of talents." Want to find your ideal job? ijob and job search have diverse vacancies in major companies and enterprises, welcome to click to enter!

Now that the domestic epidemic situation has slowed down, the economy has gradually stabilized, and the employment rate has begun to pick up. Many industries have plans to expand their operations, and they have sacrificed their manpower needs. Looking for a job is not in a hurry. The company, and a lot of consideration in the job search, screening for the job that meets your ideal is the long-term way!


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360d 才庫人事顧問360d才庫事業群自1989年成立以來,即以「專、新、忱、迅」作為企業經營之主要精神,為企業開創人力資源競爭優勢是我們的核心目標, 隨著產業升級與市場快速變動,21世紀企業發展方向逐漸聚焦在如何永續經營與人力資源價值創造上;當企業面臨高度外部競爭時,策略的擬定與落實,是提升企業價值的重要關鍵;也因此,企業必須擁有完善的發展計畫、順暢的內外部資源整合,以及卓越的團隊/人才打造能力,方得以達成目標。
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