Book review: "33-year-old office worker, instead of going to the company, he goes to the temple" by Shin Min-jung

How are you these days? Have you ever used busyness as an excuse to ignore your thoughts and emotions? Do you always feel tired and try to escape? Reading the following sentence, will you feel the same way?

How are you these days? Have you ever used busyness as an excuse to ignore your thoughts and emotions? Do you always feel tired and try to escape? Reading the following sentence, will you feel the same way?

"A book, a cup of tea, and sunshine are enough to make me feel great happiness every day. But I always miss the precious things that bring me daily joy because of the future happiness that I don't know when it will come." "Yes. The hatred and anger of people, as well as the loss of dreams and goals, caused me to be plagued by physical illnesses and psychological trauma."

You who are tired of life at this moment may need to calm down and learn from the author of the book "33-year-old Office Workers, Instead of Going to the Company, Go to the Temple" how to listen to your heart with full concentration and understand how your body and mind are. As the environment and personnel change, recognize your own status and then start again.

Shen Min, the author of "33-year-old office worker, goes to the temple instead of the company" is an ordinary office worker. Although he is dedicated to the workplace, he is alienated by his colleagues and the value of his existence is denied in his business. Exhausted physically and mentally, I chose to resign. Although I have nothing to do with religion, after being introduced by a psychology professor I met, I dropped everything and went to the "temple". Originally, I was just eager to save myself, but in the unexpected one hundred days of temple life, I listened to my inner voice, observed and explored myself, and at the same time accepted my clumsy self, people who were different from me, and a life that was not what I wanted. . Be grateful for everything you have received and work hard to live a good life today. (Quoted from KBA Publishing)

"Now I want to focus on the things I can do, the things I love, observe my emotions, and live a good life. I want to let nature take its course, softly welcome the people and things that come, and turn "now" and "here" into the most Happy times."

Let us get to know ourselves well together and then wave to happiness. ❤️

📖 "33-year-old office worker, instead of going to the company, go to the temple"

Publisher: Gobooks

Author: #shinminzheng

Translator: Huang Wanting

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