TG, TS, CD... There are hundreds of transgender names, what are they?


In order to make it easier to understand the transgender group, the identity and status of individuals are often classified, and gender identity, transgender or not, dressing choices...etc. have different pronouns. This article is like a small transgender dictionary, let’s analyze the meaning of these English words for everyone.

sex & gender gender difference in English

Before discussing various pronouns, let's first understand the differences in the way "gender" is said in English. Sex & gender are both genders translated into Chinese, but the former is biological gender; the latter is biased towards the psychological and social concept of gender.

1. sex biological sex

Physiological gender is very intuitive, which is the distinction between females and males of the creature itself. The gender determined by chromosome XX or XY is the difference in physiological structure that grows on the body at birth, and will not be changed because of psychological identity or the influence of other people's values. fact.

Sex is a biological characteristic of a person at birth, usually divided into male and female.

In ID cards, passports or some more formal documents, sex is used to express, and the common Chinese "physical male" and "physical female" also have the same meaning. It is mainly used to understand the gender of an individual's biological nature.

2. gender

Gender means that the expression of gender will be affected by social structure, environment, culture.... It has nothing to do with the gender you were born with, but what the society wants you to be, or how you want to appear in the eyes of others. out gender appearance.

Most of the mainstream values are binary classifications of men and women, the most common being the distinction between masculinity and femininity, so there will be a given frame for a specific gender. For example, the traditional concept of "males take the lead outside, females take the lead inside" is a gender concept based on social values.

The term gender is not only about gender, but more about the interaction between the individual and society.

What other people think of me, what I should do so that it won't be too strange, everyone is like this, so should I be the same..., social gender affects everyone's thoughts and attitudes about gender, and it also constitutes their external behavior. Important key factor for self-identity.

TG (Transgender) Transgender

When you see gender, you can understand that this has something to do with gender. A transgender person is a person whose psychological gender identity and biological gender contradict each other. That is to say, the person who wants to show himself is in conflict with the role he is designated to be. But not every transgender person seeks medical assistance to change their gender.

Transgender is a very broad term, as long as the behavior deviates significantly from the norms of behavior assumed by the original biological sex, it can be called transgender.
Andrew. Solomon Andrew Solomon. "Beyond Kinship" (11): Transgender Chapter
Ellen Page has come out as transgender and changed her name to Elliot Page. (Image credit: A Day Magazine)

Ellen Page, a well-known actor who performed "Pregnant" and "Full Start", announced to the world on December 2, 2020 that she identified as transgender and officially changed her name to Elliot Page. I hope everyone Called "He" and "They". I look forward to making this world a better place as much as possible through my own strength, and I hope more people can see the transgender community.

 I love being trans, and I love being queer.
-Elliot Page

Transgender is a big hat, and it may cover all kinds of people below. As long as they have different gender identity and biological sex, they can be called transgender. Because TG is only about mental thoughts, he can identify as transgender no matter how he dresses, whether he has hormones or surgery, or what he looks like.

TS (Transsexual)

When transgender people's psychological and physical gender inconsistency is too severe, it will cause gender insecurity and anxiety, so some people will seek medical help to reset their gender. People who change their sex are called transgender. By. Hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery are usually performed to alter the structure and performance of the body to make it as close as possible to one's own gender identity.

"Jin Xing", one of China's most artistically accomplished and internationally acclaimed dancers, is a transgender. She knew at the age of 6 that she wanted to be a girl, and it was not until she finally underwent sex reassignment surgery in 1995 that she changed her biological sex, and she really started to be herself at the age of 28.

Jin Xing, a well-known Chinese dancer and host, is also a well-known transgender. (Image source: BBC Chinese website)

Most transgender people are primary, which means that their gender identity is inconsistent with their biological sex at birth, and it is not because of acquired experience or environmental influences that they want to change. However, transgendering still needs to go through layers of barriers. In countries with stricter systems (including Taiwan), it is necessary to receive a diagnosis from a professional psychiatrist to prove that the degree of gender dysphoria and anxiety has existed for a long time, and it will only continue to improve in the future. , and of course many other evaluation factors.

In short, there is proof of need for a gender reassignment procedure to legally use hormones or perform surgery.

CD (Cross–Dressing) Crossdressing

The so-called cross-sex dress is to dress differently from one's own gender, which is easy to understand literally in English. These people who engage in cross-dressing are called cross-dressers or cross-dressers. Simply put, it's a woman disguised as a man or a man disguised as a woman. But it is limited to dress up and has nothing to do with their own gender identity. A cross-dresser may dress up for various reasons such as hobbies, work needs, etc., but these do not affect his identity as who he is.

In a broad sense, it can be called opposite-sex dress-up, such as anti-string characters or cosplay in dramas. When it comes to transgender, the first thing people think of is drag queens or shemale actors. They don’t all want to be girls, so they wear women’s clothes. Most of the time, this is just a form of performance, like playing a deer. I don't really want to be a deer when I wear antlers.

Crossdressing is more of a way of expressing yourself. In fact, everyone has the desire to cross-dress. After all, everyone wants to interpret themselves, and the interpretation method is a kind of cross-dressing.
Key Comments Network Key Topics. [Drag Queen] Wearing DRAG QUEEN's costumes taught me to be a better man
Wearing gorgeous and exaggerated costumes and makeup is no longer the preserve of women. Drag queens are not only a performance art, but also a fashion statement. (Image credit: BAZAAR)

Categories don't define who you are and what you should do

The way the world works is that there is diversity before classification. Because there are so many different appearances under this structure, people add various labels to understand different ethnic groups.

However, these labels don't mean anything, and you don't have to put yourself in any place. You are you, no matter TG, TS, CD or all kinds of nicknames, just to let you know yourself better.

I hope this explanation of common transgender terms will help you to understand the confusion, so that you can learn about others, understand different cultures, and find your true self. If there is anything unclear, or if there are other difficult words that you would like to know more about, you can tell Deven!

Originally published on Attaboy-Deven's personal website across journeys


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AttaboyDeven阿塔男孩 Deven。紀錄分享自己跨性別的生命經驗,並整理一路蒐集來的資訊和資源,希望能提供同在這條路上的朋友一些方向。 歡迎到我的個人網站逛逛
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