Find a suitable job, experience is not all-in-one

People should not live in the past, as long as they do what they can in the present~ A liter of tears
  • Personal aspirations are not in place at one time, find life aspirations and constantly try to adjust and update

Career planning is a kind of self-responsibility and a strategy to encourage self-growth and realization

The purpose of making plans is not to gain approval from others, but to make yourself more aware that through efficient planning, you will have the opportunity to live the life you like.

(Online quiz available

Like: What is your genius energy?

Classify human beings into eight personality traits: creators, stars, supporters, matchmakers, businessmen, savers, landlords, and technicians )

Do you feel that you can’t learn everything well enough? After learning, forgetting, and learning, you feel that you are all in a loop?

In the past education and examination mechanisms, the multiple-choice questions were often either A or B (I don’t know if this is called a profession or training into such a “statement” is called a profession, and the standard can be served (laughs)). After seeing through the answering skills, gradually I am used to [simplifying things], and even the direction of life and the way of doing things are deeply influenced by the system.

There will be the idea of "all and nothing", and it is easy to think things too simply

Let others do the trouble

Or the idea is too extreme, and it is not an employee to start a business

The connection in the middle will be ignored.

The initial stage and stable stage will not be considered immediately

Complacency people tend to overestimate themselves and look down on others, thinking that they are the best and others are inferior to him. A complacent person only sees his own strengths and the weaknesses of others, and ignores difficulties, blindly optimistic that any problem can be easily solved by him, and may end in "failure" in the end.

The Law of Five tells you that if one thing means nothing to you after five years, then you are not worth spending five minutes worrying about it; the Law of Five also tells you that if you work every day It is five minutes of perfunctory affairs, five minutes of misunderstanding, five minutes of entertainment and gossip, and five minutes of negative complaints... After five years, you will find that what you waste is not the salary paid by the boss, but your own time.

At such a good age, you should have become a long-term investment candidate. Don't be too short-sighted about your career planning, lack foresight and comprehensiveness in your future development, and limit yourself to outdated life concepts, which will lead to a wrong choice in one step and the following Step by step.

Sometimes it's not someone else's fault, but you yourself know too little.

(Drama used to have an ending

But the way of play has a sense of sight, and it is easy to become a soap opera

Now Taiwanese dramas are popular with open endings, leaving it to the audience's imagination, which is more acceptable)

  • The road I have traveled is all something and what I have gained is not all-or-nothing

[Good innovation ability should be viewed from a different perspective]

Growing Hi Ka Podcast mentioned:

Advice for people across fields

  1. Don't choose the job you like

Enthusiasm will keep investing

Keep at it and you will be satisfied with the results

  1. set a goal

The era of information explosion will change at any time, and a lot of information will continue to come out and continue to affect you.

Does it make you think that my path is right?

First set a start with the end as the beginning , look forward to five years, and look at what to do now and do it in stages.

In the whole promotion, it is less likely to encounter setbacks and give up

  1. True news and false news will have a lot of things to learn from the Internet

The message there is that there is a lot of complexity that you need to train yourself to think independently or think in reverse.

  1. Independent thinking: be firm in your own thoughts, don't let some information come out and change you, it may not be true
  2. Reverse thinking: everyone is doing this, you have to go in another direction to make a positioning, which can stand out

*Cross-sector: functional cross-departmental/cross-industry domain

1. Cross-job

In every field, there are strong colleagues and strong supervisors who will demand from you

After experiencing the production and sales of people making a fortune, later serving as a senior executive made me feel like a duck to water. How to lead the team to do different development

2. Cross-sectoral industries

When she is in business, she will think about what her purchasing ideas are

In the early days, I was not constrained by doing different industries, and I was limited in the circle. In the end, I was able to stand out.

Knowledge of different industries plus know-how of the industry

Only if you know why you study, you have a reason to study

"People work hard all the time because they want to be strong. The pits you fell, the thunder you stepped on, the losses you suffered, the falls you made, and the mistakes you made all these years will become the nutrient solution for wisdom. Immunity." ~ Practice is seen

*The greatest failure in life is losing the ability to dream

The competition under the social framework did not achieve good results. In fact, it was because he did not find his true goal, and he could only pin his life on this forced participation in the fractional quantification competition.

  • stop and live in the moment

* Is all the youth pieced together into the present self.

* Don't hide from the past, the past will become the nutrient of the future

* Don't be afraid of failure, any setback is not a stumbling block in life, but a stepping stone

*Heroes are not afraid of low birth

*Because I was in a hurry to grow up and looked forward to simple freedom, I thought I would be free, only to find that it just became a mature that is no longer simple and can't go back.

Zepa mentioned in the book:

Through the successful experience in the past, re-see your own value, and replenish your courage and motivation again

Get up from depression and face setbacks, telling yourself that I could do it before, and I can do it now.

Self-worth comes from the process of growth

"How did I go from breaking a hundred weights down to the standard?"

I think of the persistence, patience and hard work in that process, I admired me at that time, and gave me a lot of courage now. I believe that I have done it before, and I can do it again.

If one thing requires long-term operation, such as weight maintenance, learning attitude, relationship management, personal emotional development, etc., we can all see the value of ourselves from the growth process.

This process can be: the effort to climb the wave, the self-discipline to maintain the high point, the perseverance in the predicament, the transition from low to high, each stage can reflect the display of self-worth

*When Jiafang was in the third year of the third year, facing difficult studies, she still worked hard to get into the ideal high school

"You thought it was difficult when you were in the third year, but you were able to maintain a certain level of grades and get into a high school that is still good. How did you do it?" (Efforts to climb the waves)

When Zeze was in the country, in order to grow taller, he kept exercising and refused sweets and fried foods

My son has grown ten centimeters taller. How did you persevere this year? (Maintaining self-discipline at a high point)

*The state of learning inline wheel is not good, often blamed by coaches, but still learning for many years

During this time, how did you get through this difficult time and did not choose to give up (stoicism in trouble)

We can not only see the brilliance of butterflies, but also the diving of caterpillars, the brewing in the pupa stage, and the hardships of flying and gathering honey. Every journey has its value. There is no completely useless growth, it depends on how we look at it. When we can always lead the child's various journeys with a positive attitude, he will also learn to use a positive attitude to meet the challenges of the future

*There is no accident, in the blueprint of life, realize the value of this life

*Life can only unfold from the retrospective realm, but must unfold from the prospective

*Life must unfold in [actions], one action after another.

*The power of life transformation comes from the determination to love yourself deeply

Your persuasiveness in the future comes from the footsteps you continue to walk, especially, every proof created by your actions.


  • Boost your self-confidence and find the right job

There are four realms of human understanding, which are:

  1. The first realm (novice): I don't know I don't know -- self-righteous
  2. The second level of realm (gradually get started): know that you don't know - smell the chicken and dance
  3. The third level of realm (expert): know that you know - have a plan
  4. The Fourth Realm (Master): I don’t know what I know—the unity of knowledge and action

*Getting started is more important than having a perfect plan: podcasts are created from amateur home recordings

Will 3-4 achievements go in, quickly learn from work experience, think about what abilities you have that are related to this

(Don't be too modest in order to gain the trust of others)

See the good side, learn and grow in the middle

When do you lose confidence?

  1. When doing things that you are not interested in
  2. When doing things that you have no experience with or are not good at
  3. When compared with others, when performance is not as good as the other
  4. When criticized and questioned
  5. when it fails
  6. When things are going on in a difficult time...

Do you have the impostor effect?

Regardless of whether you have the ability or not, what should you do if you feel that you will be found to be incompetent?

Work harder than most people to be perfect

I don't need to use these to prove that I'm a good person, I'm capable, I'm..., internalized into my own heart

What I do is more important than who I want to prove

When it appears, I realize it, thank the people around me (listen and care), grow and learn , and achieve a lot of better myself

Find your true talent Record the moments full of energy, write and write slowly and thoroughly, find your talent

Imperfect move forward

Have a clear goal, keep working hard, and be happy even if the process is not perfect

Big aspirations, weak execution, procrastination, and the plan can’t keep up with changes, start with [small goals] and [action priority]

The excitement of the beginning / the arduousness of the finish

Cross your own finish line and arrive with a smile all the way

Find the fun, destroy the hidden rules you live by, and embrace imperfection


100% start rate, 8% completion rate

The more you aim for imperfection, the more effective you are

  • Will encourage yourself to be a must-have skill for adults: after leaving the society, you must learn to give yourself confidence and pat

Look after yourself first: self-respect

1. Break down prejudices

present yourself


connect network

2. Make a plan

3. Enthusiasm

4. Wonderful inside and out

You Do Feel Younger When You Have Confidence

A big smile and a confident mind can make a person look more beautiful

Showing confidence starts from improving manners

  1. hold your head up
  2. happy face
  3. look at the person speaking to you
  4. polite
  5. thoughtful

affirm yourself

[I am an influential person] The sense of stability will be sufficient

I am the best: self-affirmation, self-inspiration

*try to be successful

*Happiness every day is a happy life

*We can all decide our own "happy future"

Bad people leave quickly, bad things remember to leave

Don't be shy when you get a chance

*Because of constant defeat, the final victory is worthwhile

It is only because it is difficult to realize dreams that it is valuable

"In this world, everyone has a spot of light in their hearts

When I was young, I dreamed a lot and sparkled

Grow up because of the reality test, many people's dreams

Begins to flicker, flicker, or even ceases to shine"

"I believe you can

Be happy every day" ~ Mayday's advertisement [Stubborn] Brilliant because of persistence

Do you always feel stuck inside? No motivation to move forward?

Are you overly worried?

1. What are you worrying about recently? Write down three things you are worried about

2. Of the three things you worry about, which one do you worry about the most?

3. What can you do to solve the thing that worries you the most? If not, can anyone help?

Write it down and read it after 2 weeks. If it doesn't happen, use a red pen to make a big fork.

Worrying all the time will make you see what is bad, what is lost, what is lacking

It is easy to have all and nothing, and the process of growing up is to distinguish

Don't take it all, don't take it all, don't worry too much and affect your life

*Courage will inspire the first action; and action will bring more courage in the follow-up.

"recommended article":


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