D23: Basu to Ranwu, it is said that Ranwu is China's Switzerland | Riding Sichuan-Tibet line

Turning the corner, I saw the snow-capped mountains are connected, the lake is shaded, and a village is located in the middle. It's so fucking beautiful! All the hard work is worth it now.

On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, I woke up late again. The past two days have been a bit free and loose, and it was past seven o'clock when I woke up. After packing up and pushing the car to eat breakfast, the noodles in the plateau cook much slower than the plain ones, so they look like soaked and have a bad taste. After eating, I tried to find some dumplings nearby to buy some for lunch, but after all, in the Tibetan area, I couldn't find them, so I bought a few steamed buns, and it was already 9:30 when I set off.

The beginning is the usual undulating road, up and down, high and low. The seat of Basu County is Baima Town, which is about 3260 meters above sea level. The Anjula Mountain Pass, which is to be crossed today, is 4,468 meters above sea level, with a climb of more than 1,200 meters and a distance of 70 kilometers. Therefore, I dare not slack off in the first half of the journey and pedal hard. Fortunately, the weather is good, although there is a little bit of rain, it has never become a big climate.

Even so, at one o'clock for lunch, I only walked 30 kilometers. At this speed, it is not easy to reach the pass at six o'clock. After the pass, there are still more than ten kilometers to rush, and the pressure is huge.

In the morning, the wind direction is uncertain, and sometimes it can help you walk. In the afternoon, it all turned into a headwind. There was a very difficult road. I walked against it and had difficulty breathing. I almost stood upright on the pedals, and the car was still speeding. Little N in Jeddah Township gave us oil, one can of Red Bull per person. Climbing against the wind is really a painful thing, and there are not a few roadside graffiti that curse Fengshen. Fortunately, the further back the scenery is, the more beautiful the scenery is, the snow-capped mountains gradually show its outline, the meadows on both sides of the road are green, and rapeseed flowers are hidden in them. The rape blossoms in Chengdu disappeared in March, and here, at the end of June, they just opened.

At seven o'clock in the evening, I finally reached the pass, a few kilometers less than what the guide said.

There are no winding hills along the way. On the alpine meadows, you walk along a moderate uphill slope. The closer you get to the pass, the slower the slope. Therefore, the pass of Mount Angela is not like a high mountain pass, but a platform.

The pass is very lively. It seems that the Tibetan compatriots are engaged in some activities. There are many tents, many motorcycles, and of course, many people. As soon as the car stopped, several teenage children came running over to ride and eat. After being rejected by me, they turned to Xiao Hei, and rummaged in Xiao Hei's front beam bag. In view of the chaos of the scene, I casually took a pass sign and left quickly. There is a Haizi not far from the pass, and the foot of the snow-capped mountain is quiet and shining. Delayed there for a few minutes, went down the mountain.

After the pass, there are still a few kilometers of flat road to slow down, but perhaps because of the protection of the mountain, these few kilometers are also against the wind, but the ride is relaxed and happy. Finally caught up with Xiao N who went down the mountain ahead of schedule at 76 kilometers.

The altitude of this descent is limited, and the road is almost flat at the beginning, and you need to pedal to start the speed.

After passing the Anjula Mountain Pass, the vegetation suddenly improved, there was little bareness on both sides of the road, and surrounded by snow-capped mountains, it was pleasing to the eye. Encountered a moderate rain on the way, too late to avoid, drenched in drenched hair, and then saw a rainbow, and then, Ranwugou. The mountains on both sides of Ranwugou stand upright, and there is also a Ranwu River during the galloping period. Although the road is good, it is also shocking during the passage. Fortunately, a few kilometers of shed holes have been built to block the falling rocks.

At the end of the cave is Ranwu Lake.

Turning the corner, I saw the snow-capped mountains are connected, the lake is shaded, and a village is located in the middle. It's so fucking beautiful! All the hard work is worth it now.

It's getting late, so find a place first. However, Wuhu Lake is famous and attracts many tourists to Tibet to stay here. However, Wuzhen was built on both sides of National Highway 318, and a small street was jammed with many cars, bicycles, and people. After searching for several stores, they were all full. Fortunately, we finally found a Sichuan store.

Speaking of the Sichuan store, in fact, it seems that Tibet is already the world of Sichuan people. Before leaving Sichuan, in Xinduqiao and Litang, I felt that the Tibetan flavor was very strong. Although most of the shoppers were Han people from Qionglai, Ya'an, Chengdu, Tibetans accounted for the absolute majority on the streets. As soon as they entered Tibet, the shop was still opened by Han people from Qionglai, Ya'an, Chengdu, and the majority of Han people were on the streets. Sometimes I have to sigh with emotion: After all, we have occupied their territory.

Ranwu naturally needs to rest, the lakes and mountains are beautiful, how can he live up to it.

gentle slope
snow mountain like ice cream
A pair of children on the road gave some pencils
Everything looks good with a blue sky
We're going upstream along the river
The mount that accompanies us over the mountains
It doesn't look like a gentle slope from this angle.
Finally reached the pass. Not afraid of bloodshed and sacrifice, the person who wrote the sign is naturally not afraid, so it is so light.
Haizi at Yakou, the blue sky has disappeared, so there is no brilliance
rainbow after rain
However, the shed cave in Wugou relies on it to give you a sense of security, otherwise you have to worry about falling rocks on your head at any time.
Finally arrived at Ranwu

PS: Written on June 23, 2012, re-edited on July 5, 2021, and edited and sent to matters. This is my cycling series. There are 23 articles before. If you are interested, you can click #ride at the top of the page. Check out the previous articles on the Xingchuan-Tibet line tab, and it will be updated from time to time, and it will arrive in about ten days. Yes, we are slow.


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