How I met the translator

 Speaking of which, the fate between me and translators is also very strange, probably because I have a heart that wants to be a freelancer, so I have forged a fate with translators.
Participate in the trial translation of a large translation agency

At first, I wanted to test my English ability by taking the "Chinese-English translation" test in the job application test, so I wanted to find a template to practice, so I participated in the online translation trial of a translation agency in Taiwan, but the translation agency directly gave me a "" They also invited me to be their part-time translator. After that, the translation agency sent me a document via email to teach me how to use the translation software SDL Trados Studio, because this tool is used by most translation agencies, so I finished my study. This tool has a high CP value. Later, I contacted other translation agencies and found that not all of them are willing to teach you to use translation software, so my luck is quite good.

Basically, the translation agency will send the case through email, but I have to say that the price given by the Taiwan translation agency that I cooperated with at the beginning is really not high, and I also can’t receive their case, but I have cooperated at the beginning. The translation agency put it on the resume, which is very helpful for the translation and acceptance of the case in the future. Later, I also tried to translate other translation agencies, and at the same time became a part-time translator for many translation agencies, so that there would be more sources for receiving cases, but due to limited time, I was all Buddhist.

Self-receiving case from Taiwan online forum

After becoming a part-time translator in a translation agency, I also tried to find the source of the case from the translator version on Taiwan's PTT (Internet Forum), which is to cooperate with a foreign company, but there are too many experts in this forum, so I can't get the case 😂. But I still try it occasionally, after all, there is a chance to grab it. In addition, PTT also has a translation version, which will discuss the problems encountered in substantive translation. Although there is no case source in this version, I will occasionally see what everyone has discussed.

Translation Society on FB

I later joined the translation club on FB, but I failed to receive a case from the club, but some translation clubs saw my qualifications in the club's post and invited me to participate in their trial translation, basically meeting some thresholds. For trial translation, most of the thresholds are more than 900 points of TOEIC, overseas experience, etc., but some translation agencies do not have such a threshold, mainly depending on the results of the trial translation, so the threshold for being a translator is actually not as high as expected.

personal impression

In fact, the contact with the translation industry is really completely by mistake. If you did not pass the trial translation of the translation agency, you probably would not have contact with the translation industry. Only then did you find that Taiwan's translation qualifications are not limited to translation-related agencies, as long as If you are good at a certain field, and you can use English/Japanese, you can still earn some extra money as a part-time translator. In fact, if translation has a stable source of cases, it can be regarded as an industry that can make a lot of money in a short period of time, but the premise is that there is a stable source of cases.

Recently, I have also been thinking about trying to learn interpreting, but I still don’t know how to start. After all, interpreting requires a very strong English listening ability, and my hearing seems to be getting worse and worse, so I am worried that it will be very difficult to engage in interpreting.

I don’t know how the seniors in the translation industry in Matters developed the source of the case? Or how to enter the interpretation industry? Welcome to communicate with each other and join the ranks of freelancers.

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給自己一個gap year

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