Confucianism·Confucianism | Simulacrum

The Master said, "Sell it, sell it"
Topic: Writing a Letter to Zigong | Simulacrum
Type: Letter Scenario:
1 Zigong wanted to go and tell Shuo's goat. The Master said, "Give it, you love its sheep, and I love its rites."
2 Zigong said, "The way of civil and martial arts does not fall to the ground, it is in people. The sages know the big ones, and the unsages know the small ones. There is no way of civil and martial arts. Why don't you learn it? ?"
3 Zi Gong said: "There are beautiful jades in this country, and they are hidden in Yunzhuo? Ask a good friend to sell them?" The Master said, "Sell them! Sell them!


Taking the liberty to write to you, I hope it won't waste too much of your time.

Matt City recently had a very interesting, Confucian activity, which was proposed by Iris. The title is Confucianism. Confucianism. I think you will be interested. After all, among the disciples of Confucius, no one is more curious than you. And I also want to introduce you at this event. with a letter.

When reading "Yue Jue Shu", in addition to being stunned by the willingness of Gan Jiang and Mo Xie Yejian, I was also shocked by you. It opens with the words that the Master is worried and hoped that the disciples can help him. People enthusiastically recommend themselves, but the Master only allows you to resign. You in the language department really lived up to the master's expectations. As soon as you made a move, you were in chaos, breaking Wu, Xing Jin, and strong Yue. The country of Lu exists because of you.

When the Master was there, you were the curious baby in the Confucius Gate and asked the most questions . After reading a little more, I began to understand your brilliance. You ask friends, ask politics, ask gentlemen. Ask what is the text. Ask the poor without flattery and rich without arrogance. You ask the gentleman that he is also evil. Ask the villagers how they are all good and all evil. Asked for benevolence and then asked Bo Shi Jizhong is benevolence. Of course, you don't forget to ask: Teacher, what do you think of me? And the teacher | Zi Zhang and Shang | Zi Xia who is more virtuous?

When you want to know the origin of the Master, you should ask Uncle Boyi who he is. Ask if the jade is for sale. When Confucius lamented that no one understood, you asked the Master why he said that. The master said that he did not want to speak anymore. You ask: What about the disciple? You asked the famous saying "Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself". You really asked Confucius a lot of questions. envy and jealousy. Because I can only ask rice now.

Confucius is a Confucian, and if you want to be a disciple of Confucius, you are also a Confucian. But you are obviously not a Confucian*. You are Jia, a businessman who pays attention to efficiency. Hence the record.

Zigong wanted to go and tell Shuo's goat. The Master said, "Give it, you love its sheep, and I love its rites."

After reading it, I think you are innovative. Etiquette is too much trouble for you. When Confucius was there, you wanted to reform the sacrifices, and you wanted to omit the live sheep. And Confucius only said when he found out, you begrudge the live sheep, and I begrudge the etiquette.

What is Keli? Is it Meiyu Jinbo? In addition to loving his rituals, Confucius also loved to ask questions, and he loved to dismantle other people's things for granted. You also know that the Master is good at clasping both ends, empty and exhausted. But you are not good to pass. You will quote the Book of Poetry as if you were discussing it, as if you were pondering it and asking it back. I can finally talk to you about poetry. said the husband. You will ask questions and follow up, and the Master is of course happy. And you are also calm and happy when you are by the Master's side.

After Confucius passed away, Gongsun Chao of Wei State asked you how the Master's knowledge came from. you just said

"The way of civil and martial arts does not fall to the ground, it is in people . The wise know the big ones, and the unsages know the small ones. There is no way of civil and martial arts. Why don't you learn it from the master? And why is there a constant teacher?"

You say that the Master learns from the teacher of impermanence, so anyone can be his teacher. You said that the way of civil and martial arts does not fall to the ground, it is human. Whether it is virtuous or not, gentleness is on each of us. You have no idea how much power that sentence gave to the later dead.

Shusun Wushu said in the court that you are more capable and virtuous than the master. You just heard it and said it. The master's palace wall is several thousand meters long, but your palace wall is only shoulder-length. How can one know the beauty of the temple of Confucius, and the wealth of officials. It's not surprising that there are such comments. you say.

Chen Ziqin said that you were too modest, and that the Master could not compare to you. Hearing that, you got a little angry and said a lot.

 A gentleman thinks he knows what he says, and thinks he doesn't know what he says. The Master's inaccessibility is just like the inescapable rise of heaven. The Master's success in the state family is called the so-called standing, which is established, the Tao is the line, the Sui is the coming, and the moving is the harmony. His life is also glorious, and his death is also mourning. 

How can my husband be reached. Even Yan Yuan said that the master loves to play hide and seek, and it always makes people unable to catch him.

Zai I, who is also a representative of the language department, said that three years of mourning is too long, but you have been mourning for the Master for six years. So many disciples, only you have been guarding for six years. If Yan Yuan is still there, I think you will have company.

Thanks, the Master's simulacra and projections are too many. The Master in Zhuangzi's writing often speaks of his own ignorance, while Matt Citizen's writing about the Master is also true and contrary to what he says. The Master said, "Sell it, sell it, I'm waiting for someone to buy | price | rack | flail | marry... The master clearly said so, didn't he?

Ci, this letter is written to you, more like to myself.

Maybe I'm just borrowing you to write my confusion.


Tainan Confucian Temple


I only started reading The Analects in my second year of college. There are always too many things to take for granted in the process of reading. I remember asking a question when writing my reading notes: Which disciple of Confucius is my personality and talent like? The answer at that time was Zigong. Because I am also curious baby. Also like to compare characters, rather than their length. But most of the time I'm like slaughtering me.

Writing this letter may also be written to another time and space, as it may be. It's arrogant to write like that (laughs)

A few days ago, the news of Yu Yingshi's death came from S. In addition to talking about Mr. Yu's life, there is also a paragraph in the commemorative text:

"I don't have a 'Chinese dream', I just have a human dream. My dream is that everyone is safe and sound. Whatever you want to do, you can say whatever you want. This kind of society is my dream."

The Chinese dream today is completely different from the dream the Master had in the past.

What is a dream.

Dreams are parallel universes. she says. I say dreams are portals to parallel universes. Classic too.

Teachers often want us to know that there is also alternative reality, which exists in history. There are also classics. Don't get caught up in the reality of the moment.

What Confucianism is and what is not, that is too big a proposition. I can only deal with one person's story here. Hope it doesn't sound wrong.

Also, I originally wanted to write it as science fiction. But I can't write novels. So he wrote to Zigong.

above. simulacrum and reality. And the body is in the eyes of the people.

 * The Master said: "It's like a concubine, and it's often empty. The gift is not ordered, but the goods are planted, and hundreds of millions are repeatedly hit."
Confucianism at that time was a profession. Just like a businessman, it is also a profession.

In addition, the original words of the "Han Shu" should be "dismiss the hundred schools, commend the six classics". It is to commend the Six Classics, not to honor Confucianism alone. Confucianism is also among the hundred schools of thought.


All quotations are taken from the Chinese Philosophy Book Electronic Project

Simulacrum | Simulacrum is borrowed from the title of Ken Liu (Liu Yukun), and it is not a coincidence that See him for who he really is at the end of the article. Ken's writing is soulful. very nice. Can be flipped.


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