Why is China so afraid of the Great Translation Movement?

Recently, the great translation movement in full swing has been surging outside the wall, and it has finally been successfully exported for domestic sales. It has been named and criticized by official media such as People's Daily and Global Times. Generally speaking, being criticized by the official media means that this matter has touched their G-spot again. If they don’t talk about it, they will face the risk of incontinence. Today, we will talk about which G-spots the Great Translation Movement has touched, and completely tear off the fig leaf from the perspective of social psychology.

Recently, the great translation movement in full swing has been surging outside the wall, and it has finally been successfully exported for domestic sales. It has been named and criticized by official media such as People's Daily and Global Times. Generally speaking, being criticized by the official media means that this matter has touched their G-spot again. If they don’t talk about it, they will face the risk of incontinence. Today, we will talk about which G-spots the Great Translation Movement has touched, and completely tear off the fig leaf from the perspective of social psychology.

Hello everyone, I'm Marley, this is a small channel that advocates thinking and tearing fifty cents by hand. In each issue, we will combine a political and economic case to discuss the reasons behind him and different thinking dimensions.

Speaking of the Great Translation Movement, Chinese people are not unfamiliar in essence. Strictly speaking, almost two generations before the age of 50 are the witnesses and beneficiaries of the Great Translation Movement. Especially with the rapid development of the Internet after 2000, everyone gradually realized that an American drama can be filmed for so many years. It turns out that the president of the United States can be scolded. Very honest and so on. Whether it is official, private, genuine, or pirated, China should be the country that accepts the most large amounts of translated information. Chinese people have spent 20 years understanding the outside world with the lowest cost and highest efficiency. , to understand the outside world, and even to the outside world.

I previously published a program about how a TV series changed the fate of Romania. At that time, the official reason for Romania to introduce this TV series was to expose the fake and ugly capitalism, and it turned into a prairie spark that people yearn for a free life. Isn't this a direct effect of the Great Translation Movement? Therefore, translation is just a bridge. People like to see real things. Since you are always happy to talk about other people's lives, why should you be afraid of being spread out about everything about you?

Speaking of which, I have to mention the most sensitive nerve of the Chinese people - "Family ugliness can't be made public", or to be more precise, it's okay to have family ugliness, but it can't be made public. In fact, this mentality is similar, I can scold my son, but you can't scold my son. Or I admit that my husband is a scumbag, but you say he can't.

Before talking about this, let’s briefly sort out the social system of the Chinese people. From the individual to the family to the society, the Chinese people’s thinking has not jumped out of a vicious circle after several years of brainwashing. On the basis of clan, blood, region and experience, for example, in addition to family, hometown associations, alumni associations, car friends associations, etc. are the most enthusiastic organizations of Chinese people. If there is no common ground, region is the most simple and rude. A sense of belonging, such as the battle between Suning, the battle to go north, and the battle between China and foreign countries. It is often overlooked that people and people are actually independent, and it is the values that are important to establish a long-term connection, not what we all have, or where we are from.

Therefore, based on the above social structure, an artificial belonging barrier of layers of nesting dolls is formed. This is what the party-state said about the contradictions among the people and the contradiction between the enemy and ourselves, while the distinction between the people and the enemy is dynamic, and the sense of belonging is defined according to the universality of the problem. For example, the scandal that happened in my family is just an example of the community of my family. I can solve it with my own ability, and I don’t want others to know about it. The common scandal of our group, then don't let other groups know. For example, it is obvious that we can’t afford to eat, and we have to insist on the epidemic prevention policy of our Greater Shanghai. It is not the turn of Beijingers to make irresponsible remarks. How can our Tsinghua University be worse than Peking University’s? In the end, it has risen to the point that we Chinese people do not eat this set, and whoever exposes my incompetence will smear me. And never think about whether I really can't.

For example, regarding this big translation movement, a comment once said: "When domestic netizens express their positions, opinions and emotions as they wish in their "small circle", they do not expect or expect their information to be transmitted. For netizens in other countries concerned, they don’t even have the awareness to talk to foreign netizens.” This statement can be described as a model of concealing one’s ears. Everyone knows that the Internet is flat, and theoretically there are no barriers between information, and even language barriers are basically being eliminated. Chinese people can't access the Internet themselves, and they think that inside the wall is a small circle. Others can access all the content in China, even if there is no human translation, is it difficult to know what you are talking about? This has formed a very strange phenomenon. I know that what I do is bad, but I have to pretend that others don't know, because others know, and my disguise will collapse quickly. For example, in the early days of the Russian-Ukrainian war, if it hadn't been spread by a big translator, it is estimated that domestic public opinion would not have thought it was a problem.

People with higher self-esteem tend to have lower self-esteem. When Xi'an was closed down before, some people complained that it was difficult to buy vegetables on Weibo. I hope everyone will pay attention and forward it. The result was noticed by several foreign media, and the relevant reporter immediately contacted the poster to understand the situation. As a result, the door was closed, and people were asked to "go away" and "go away". Although they were more polite, they thanked others for their attention, but they also said a lot of bullshit who believed in the state and the party. Here, I also regard the country's family shame as my own small circle. We know that what is done here is terrible, and I also know that other cities in the country may have the same problem. Then I can complain, but I can't let others know. . The point is that these three people also regard the rejection of foreign media interviews as a patriotism that they can show off, and they make up for it and post it again. What I want to express is, although you want to save me, but I'm sorry, family shame can't be made public, even if you die of starvation, you won't hand knives to foreign forces, which has become a distorted value to maintain your self-esteem. In the same way, Fang Fang's diary incident is also a typical mentality of hiding one's ears and stealing bells. It is obvious that he is miserable, but he is afraid that others will know.

Everyone should still remember the story of Yang Shuping, a student studying in the United States many years ago. She said that the air in the United States is very sweet, and the smog in China is very serious. She just said a fact, and instantly stabbed Xiaopin's fragile nerves. As a result, she was ridiculed by a large number of Internet bullies. Often, the more you hit the key, the less they dared to admit it. However, if you close the door and say that the air in China is bad, it seems that everyone is not shy. In fact, this mentality of the Chinese has been revealed many years ago.

In 1972, Italian director Antonioni was invited by Zhou Enlai to come to China to shoot a documentary. Although it is not completely independent shooting and interviewing, it can be regarded as a positive energy documentary. However, the current situation of China at that time can also be seen through the lens, and the poor material life and poor spiritual outlook can also be seen from the people's life, clothing, housing and transportation. It is such a more objective and realistic style film, which has been boycotted by the whole country. At the end of October 1973, the Information Division ordered a ban on the film. Originally, the film was to be screened in theaters as part of the 1974 Venice Art Biennale, but it was boycotted and protested by Chinese diplomats. The Gang of Four headed by Jiang Qing called Antonioni an "anti-China clown" and "a wild provocation against the Chinese people." They believe that this film does not reflect the magnificent achievements of socialist construction, and that many modern large-scale enterprises are not filmed, but are shot with simple equipment and manual operations. The large cargo ships in the lens are all foreign, and the small wooden ships are all Chinese. It has seriously vilified the mental outlook of the Chinese people. A massive critique that lasted nearly a year was organized. He also published a book titled "The Chinese People Can't Be Insulted - Criticism of Antonioni's Anti-China Film "China", in which many of the authors are from the cadres and the masses who were shot by Antonioni. Although after the Cultural Revolution, Antonioni was "rehabilitated". However, it was not until the end of 2004 that the "Antonioni Retrospective Screening" was held at the Beijing Film Academy, which brought consolation to the 92-year-old man for being late.

In this way, Mr. Antonioni can be regarded as a pioneer of the great translation movement. This 3-hour documentary recorded all aspects of Chinese society at that time, some good and some bad. When we compare Antonioni's turmoil with the articles criticizing the Great Translation Movement now, is there any difference from 50 years ago? Did the documentary of the year and the current translation movement add fuel to the jealousy? Does it not reflect the real situation? Why does presenting the facts make you angry, and why can't you find some heart-warming remarks under the lantern? The reasoning here should be self-evident.

There is a concept in psychology called "endowment effect" or aversion to deprivation , which describes that when a person tends to like what they have, when we have the feeling of owning a thing, the value of the thing will also increase. Our hearts are raised accordingly, even if this thing is actually not that good. For example, a lady saves her salary for a few months and finally buys a bag that is suitable for her for a long time, but this bag may be of poor workmanship and not very easy to use, but if someone says that you have been taxed by IQ, I believe many people do not I will admit it, and I will try my best to say that this bag is good. Another example is that even if a wife who has suffered domestic violence for a long time hates her man very much, if others say that her husband is a scumbag, she will feel uncomfortable and even protect the interests of this man, because from the underlying logic, you say that he is a scumbag. The scum just means that my eyesight is not good. This is also the main psychological trigger of Stockholm Syndrome.

However, the Chinese people's resistance to the Great Translation Movement and other so-called "humiliating" behaviors is ultimately a misunderstanding of this "endowment effect". Let's go back to the concept of the Chinese people's sense of identity and community. You should also remember what I said about the concept of "imagined community". There is no nation in the world. It is nationalism that produces a sense of national identity. It is completely human-definable. The key to the question is whether you define it yourself or someone forces you to define it. This concept can also be extended to any community. Once you become a member of a community, you have a natural connection with this community, and this "endowment effect" begins to work. Let's go back to the first example, why you can criticize your son, but others can't? It turns out that in the eyes of others, what you want to show is the best side of your son. When others say that your son is not good, it will deeply hurt your self-esteem.

Not to mention, someone shows a different side of your son.

The famous director Jia Zhangke once promoted the movie "Legend of the Sea" in North America. After the screening, a little girl in her 20s ran over and asked him, "Director, I want to ask you a question that will make you unhappy. Why do you want to? Taking pictures of such a dirty Shanghai, and taking pictures of these politically charged people, is it for Westerners to see?

Jia Zhangke said: I was shooting a certain side of Shanghai. In addition to Pudong and Huaihai Road, Shanghai also has dense industrial areas on both sides of the Suzhou River, as well as those small alleys in Nanshi. Life is like this, and Shanghai is like this.

The girl suddenly became angry: Then have you considered that if your movie is seen by foreigners, it will affect their impression of Shanghai and China, and even affect foreigners' confidence in investing in China?

Jia Zhangke also became angry: Why do you think so many foreigners? Just because of those investments, because of what foreigners think about China, are we ignoring a real existence? Many of China's 1.3 billion people still live in poverty, can we ignore it?

After a short silence, the girl smiled contemptuously at him and said, "Yes! For the dignity of the motherland, we certainly should not describe the situation of those people. Jia Zhangke said he was shocked by the girl's words and suddenly discovered the logic of these "patriots".

Therefore, the Criticism of the Great Translation Movement triggered by the Great Translation Movement has completely exposed the Chinese people's deformed and dislocated mentality that "it's okay to have a family scandal, but not to make it public". If you don't think about how to solve the family scandal, you are still wasting time arguing and nitpicking, which is another family scandal in itself.

Well, that's all for today's sharing. If you think this video is still helpful to you, please subscribe, like, forward and support it. I'm Marley, see you next time, bye bye.


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