Trakai Castle, Lithuania - Trakai Castle


Recently, Lithuania has a very good reputation in Taiwan. Due to the epidemic, this small country in the sea has also given Taiwanese people the opportunity to know it. Therefore, today I will introduce the famous tourist attraction in Lithuania - Trakai Castle.

Trakai is a small town in southeastern Lithuania in the three small Baltic countries. It is located to the west of the capital Vilnius and is only about 30 minutes away by car from the capital. It is also very frequent (if you want to go in winter, you may have to check the information in advance to be safer). In Trakai, the most famous one should be the Trakai Castle, which is part of the Trakai Historical National Park. It was once the residence of the Grand Duke of Lithuania and is now a tourist attraction open to the outside world.

Since there are many lakes in the Trakai area, Trakai Castle is an island castle on the lake. If you look at the castle from a distance, you feel that the whole castle is floating on the lake. When the weather is clear, it is accompanied by blue sky and white clouds. And with the reflection on the lake, the castle looks even more dreamy and beautiful.

At that time, Danielson had the opportunity to visit this most beautiful castle in the Baltic Sea because of his work. When we arrived in Trakai, it was almost noon, and we dined in a good restaurant opposite the castle. Location, sitting in the window seat in the restaurant, through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery while dining.

After dinner, before heading to the castle, you can take pictures of the beautiful view of the castle in front of the restaurant. The castle is like a shining gem in the lake, and the reflection of the castle in the lake makes it the most natural and beautiful painting.

This castle is of Gothic architectural style. The red brick exterior wall seen today is not its most original style. Later, due to restoration, it became the Trakai Castle that people see today as if it will appear in fairy tales. Since the castle is built on an island in the lake, it is only connected by a wooden bridge and the shore. To visit the castle, it is necessary to cross this long wooden bridge before arriving.

When you enter the castle, you can see a large square in the atrium. You can see the whole castle from the square. The mottled walls show that it does have a historical era. There are also professional guides in the castle, but I don’t know if it is only for group tourists. That's it.

It is not free to visit here, so if you want to enter Trakai Castle, you have to buy tickets. It is not like many museums in Taiwan that do not allow photography, but if you want to take pictures, you must have a camera/mobile phone and pay extra to take pictures.

The castle is like an exhibition hall, displaying exquisite works of art in ancient times, ancient coins, former sealing wax seals and utensils related to life and war.

The place seen in the photo was originally a moat inside the castle, but now the water has dried up and it has become a trail for tourists to walk.

Most tourists actually stay in the castle for about half an hour. Is it worth visiting? Danielson's answer is yes, after all, it is a beautiful and dreamy castle located in the lake, but it is worth it Isn't it worth visiting? This is really a matter of opinion. If you are a person with a great interest in history and architecture, then this place is definitely suitable and very worthwhile, and if you just want to take a picture of the Internet and check in, then maybe Just take a photo of this postcard-like beauty.

Since the season we went to is not the real tourist season, there are not many tourists, but it is actually quite comfortable. Have you seen the yachts by the lake? I heard that during the peak tourist season, these yachts also provide tourists with a boat tour of the lake. It should be a very good experience, especially around this fairytale dream castle. If I have the opportunity to experience it myself, I think it will be an unforgettable travel memory.

Finally, I would like to thank Lithuania for its recent love and support to Taiwan by donating the vaccine to Taiwan.


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Danielson在童話王國丹麥喜歡旅行, 因家境貧窮,從不敢相信自己可以到國外旅行,甚至有天會住在國外。到夏威夷唸書的機會開拓了我人生視野和生活經驗。 從台灣到夏威夷﹐奧蘭多﹐紐約﹐Danielson 遇見了麥先生, 與他許下了下半輩子相知相守的誓言, 哥本哈根成了我第三個家。在這裡以平實的文字分享我人生的生活與愛情故事。
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