Winter Solstice, let every heart reunite


Last night, when I was making glutinous rice balls, I found that my mother's glutinous rice balls had changed from the previous style, and there were mixed colors. Mom: "I went to school on Facebook." So, oh my god, it's not necessarily a waste of time to swipe on Facebook. This morning, I finally had a chance to taste the taste of glutinous rice balls. I sent you a picture of the cooked glutinous rice balls. You sent the pictures and said that they looked like Nepalese wool felt pads sold by shrimp skins. Take a closer look, it really looks like it! Haha~😃 The end of the year is approaching. In addition to the uproar in the entertainment industry, many areas in my country are also facing the raging storms and severe floods, causing many people to be displaced. The winter solstice was originally a day to celebrate reunion. However, apart from the epidemic and natural and man-made disasters, reunion is already out of reach for many families. No matter where you are, a true love, cherish the moment, and let the reunion live in our hearts. With the cold wind and ticking raindrops outside the window, I wish everyone a happy winter solstice, peace and joy!

glutinous rice balls like wool felt


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一枚小确幸雜志編輯 | 寫詞人 | 業餘畫畫尚未到家 | 二手書店店長 | 不安分的雙子座 | 愛貓不養貓 YT/FB/IG:一枚小確幸 A Little Bliss FB/IG:小如繪畫筆記 RuyunSketch
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讀後感:《如果這世界貓消失了》—— 川村元氣

電影觀後感 | 那時候,我只剩下勇氣
