A family on both sides of the strait? The Ignorance of Li Zhongke | Pelosi's visit to Taiwan made Huntington panic | Marley


Due to Pelosi's historic visit to Taiwan some time ago, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has become tense again. The reaction of the entire Chinese public opinion can be described as ups and downs and twists and turns. Even Hollywood screenwriters can't write such a plot. It can only be expressed with the following snippet. Of course, not everyone is like this drama. There are still some reasonable voices in the wall, trying to ease the increasingly estranged relationship between the two sides of the strait by pulling home and reasoning. However, these seemingly warm words, like "Second Uncle", did not cure my internal mental tension, but made me feel that rational ignorance is more sighing than shouting and killing. It's been a long time since we talked about Taiwan, so today we'll start with an ignorant and foolish rationalist.

Hello everyone, I'm Marley, this is a small channel that advocates thinking and tearing fifty cents by hand. In each issue, we will combine a political and economic case to discuss the reasons behind him and different thinking dimensions.

A few days ago, I saw a reposted article through China's Digital Age, titled "Why I firmly believe that Taiwan and us will not be separated after all." If it weren't for reprints in the digital age, generally speaking, I wouldn't read such slogan-style articles, because the taste of propaganda is too heavy. Moreover, I have basically stopped reading most of the articles on the official account. It is not a matter of opinion, but most of the articles are stinky and long. Every time a hot topic comes out, almost all the accounts can't wait to stick to your face and say, I have Evidence I have evidence, believe me, I am very disgusted with this grave-digging style of writing in the wall. Maybe it was the contrasting display outside the wall that aroused my interest. When I clicked in, it turned out to be the masterpiece of the famous tuba - XXX by the sea (hereafter we refer to the seaside brother for short). At the beginning, I said that I basically don’t read articles on the official account, and occasionally read some tool-type content. In the past few months, it was also due to the reprint of China’s digital age. Supporting Ukrainian articles, not to mention the quality of the articles and the risk of being harmonized, as a self-media giant in the wall, this humanistic caring spirit and the courage to throw eggs at the high wall are quite admirable.

Therefore, since it is a masterpiece by Brother Seaside, although the title is very Facebook-like, I still read this long article of more than 7,000 words with great interest.

The author's basic political position (or the position he is trying to express) can also be seen from the title of the article. I have no opinion on this. Because no matter what your actual position is, since you want to write about this topic, the public opinion environment within the wall determines what position your article must show. Now that the position has been established, it depends on what arguments are used to support it. Different from other wolf warriors who shout and kill, the author first used his own personal experience to describe the subtle relationship and inseparable cultural origin between Taiwanese and mainlanders. He once went on a trip to Japan, and in the loneliness of the return trip, he met an uncle who was suspected of coming from Taiwan. He first started chatting in Japanese to break the ice, then he carefully revealed his identity, and then he talked about Chinese music from Confucian culture and so on. They were very happy to talk, and even a little reluctant to part with each other. This shows that the identity of culture and language is a tacit understanding and familiarity that you cannot achieve with any foreigner. Therefore, Taiwan and the mainland cannot be separated. In order to prove this point of view, the author moved out of Huntington's famous book "The Clash of Civilizations". From history to the present, he explained how different cultures are difficult to integrate, and how the same culture is separated for a long time and must be combined. The full text is very long, so I won't go into more than description, but there is no robber logic, and there is no eloquent statement that Taiwan has been an inseparable part of China since ancient times. I just tell you emotionally, no matter where you are, where your mother is, where your family is. right there. By the way, from his language, reading, and music skills, he proves why Chinese culture has a strong cohesion.

After reading it, I had mixed feelings and replied on Twitter: "After reading thousands of words, it seems heartwarming, but in fact ignorant. To borrow the quotations in the text, it shows that the author really does not understand the conflict of civilizations at all." The reason why I feel so emotional is also because, for such a speculative tuba that is known as "guarding rationality", is this a temporary worker or is it assigned by the Central Propaganda Department? We don’t want to suspect anything, and I never deny the recognition and intimacy of Chinese culture on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, but the author’s arguments and logic are so thin and wishful thinking that I realize that this kind of “neighborhood committee-style patriotism” or The "Hometown Association" is the biggest stumbling block in cross-strait relations. Moreover, there are not a few people on both sides of the strait who play cultural cards and family cards, and it is also a very interesting narrative logic. It's hard to tell what's wrong with what he said, but the problem is that this kind of person doesn't seem to care at all whether others are embarrassed by your enthusiasm, approved or not, and whether others have privacy concerns. Like a daughter-in-law bullied by an evil mother-in-law, as a husband, you have never seen you say a word to your wife, and you finally got a divorce, but you say you miss our mother's specialty dishes? Your mother's cooking is delicious, and it's two things that I hate your mother.

There are too many flaws in this article, and we don't want to criticize the stinky seaside brother in this issue. Let's briefly talk about my personal views from "Clash of Civilizations", which was taken from the seaside brother as a golden rule.

On the one hand, the article attempts to prove how important culture or civilization is to shaping a nation. If it is polluted by foreigners, it will lose its own culture and drift away. On the other hand, it also recognizes that nations and countries are "imagined communities," so the cornerstone of this community is the so-called civilization or culture. Since they are imaginary communities, aren't cultures and civilizations imaginary, or, strictly speaking, are cultures and civilizations appointed by God? Isn't it just imagining and doing it?

The author uses language as an important link in culture. He gave an example. He talked about Tang poetry and Song poetry and Teresa Teng Luo Dayou with his Taiwanese uncle. Although they both knew Japanese, if the other party was a Japanese at the time, there would be no such tacit understanding to prove the cultural Convergence and Exclusivity. What I want to say to Brother Seaside is that you just happened to meet a more literate Taiwanese uncle. If you are a Kazakh-Korean party, you can also meet people who are chatting with you in Japan, or you may meet A little brother from the Northeast, you may not speculate for a long time. Therefore, traditional language and culture are not the decisive link between people, there are too many variables.

In fact, the author's point of view is nothing more than another version of cultural determinism. Culture creates the nation, the nation inherits the culture, and the culture inevitably unifies the nation. They often think that cultural habits are higher than personal will, or that culture determines personal will and historical trends, but what they ignore is that cultures actually influence and change each other. Is the so-called Chinese civilization written from the time when Pangu opened up the world? Wasn't it formed through repeated friction and crossbreeding over thousands of years of aggression and being invaded? Is Japanese culture a separate culture? K-pop Hallyu sweeping the world, is it the inheritance and precipitation of the South Korean nation? Is American culture based on Christian civilization? Why is the return of Taiwan a historical inevitability, and why doesn't China try to unify with Singapore? These are all things that the author's arguments cannot justify.

Let's go back to the book "Clash of Civilizations" itself. The theory of clash of civilizations is also a view that domestic scholars often like to quote. The book was born in the early 1990s after the end of the Cold War by Huntington, a controversial conservative political scientist. He divided the world into eight civilizations simply and rudely, and believed that the world pattern after the Cold War would be dominated by these eight very different civilizations and cause friction, rather than the political subject itself. He believes that cultural differences are not easy to change, and it is human nature to love the same kind and hate the different. Isn't this naked cultural determinism and nationalism? Many scholars believe that the book "Clash of Civilizations" is just a post-Cold War era, which has found a reason and an imaginary enemy for nationalists to oppose the world.

Similar to Allison, an American scholar who criticized the conflict between China and the United States as rooted in the "Thucydides Trap". Allison believed that the conflict between the eldest and the second was inevitable, while Huntington believed that world chaos was also inevitable. , but the subject has changed from an economy to an imagined community. Judging from the situation after the Cold War, it is clear that Huntington's argument is untenable. Except for the few stubborn diehards, most countries have completed democratic transformation and economic globalization, and greatly promoted the peace of mankind. and economic growth. Even if the camp split caused by the so-called collective right turn in recent years, has Japanese civilization and Western civilization split? Are Christian civilization and Islamic civilization fighting? How did China and the United States stand against each other? Is it a clash of civilizations? How did Russia and Ukraine do it? They have a long history.

When evaluating Allison, I once said that it is precisely because of open speech and brain holes that the United States also has wars, as well as Hu Xijin and Jin Canrong. The only criterion for testing true and false national teachers is not to see who will predict the future. , but who is based on facts and rigorous analysis. Pseudo-propositions like "Clash of Civilizations" and "Thucydides's Trap" fit the appetite of conspiracy theorists and nationalists who have read a few books but have no idea how the world works.

Is the current world pattern formed by great civilizations and races? Or will this be the case in the future? When you say this, I believe that the seaside brother who has read a lot of books does not believe it yourself. To put it simply, modern social civilization is just a matter of hundreds of years after the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution. I said in the last episode, how did the Enlightenment promote it? It is a profiteer, it is the most simple and bottom-level value of human beings, I want to make money, and I want to live a better life. And how did the Industrial Revolution appear? The Enlightenment brought science, humanistic values, and social order. Or to be more precise, the relatively stable world pattern is only formed when modern democracies occupy the mainstream of the world. These values are universal, and they are things that every nation and people who speak different languages can use to practice. Culture and civilization have only a half-thread relationship, and even have an important relationship with whether you are willing to separate culture, religion and politics. Many people often talk about the Arab Spring to prove that the twisted civilization is not sweet. The reason behind it is that these countries take their own culture or ancient civilization too seriously, so they are easy to be used and coerced by dictators. , leading to incessant civil unrest.

Let's go back to the article "Taiwan will never be separated". I remember when I first started YouTube. Although I am not a little pink, I am also a "neighborhood committee-style patriotic" element similar to Brother Haibin. We like people and things in Taiwan. Taiwanese food, we oppose war, we relish what we have in common with each other, we want to prove that mainlanders are also peaceful and reasonable, but they maintain the illusion of Greater Chinaism, and hope that the two sides of the strait can become the same after the reunification of the two Germanys. A classic case. With my understanding of modern politics, and the time to get up close and personal to this other society filled with loyalty, filial piety, Zhongzheng, and place names all over China. I just discovered that the same language and the same species can make such a big difference. Although we use the same language, our perspective on the world and the world we can see are completely different. It turns out that in addition to earning money and fighting, there is another kind of peaceful lifestyle.

Here I will no longer advocate how gentle, courteous, courteous and thrifty Taiwanese are in terms of quality and temperament. Of course, you don’t have to feel that there is no distance because Taiwanese can talk and laugh with you and discuss Red Mansions or Jay Chou, and don’t see Huang Zhixian foaming at the mouth. Excited is not easy. The real situation is that most Taiwanese say "the other side" that is neither humble nor arrogant enough to explain a lot of problems. This is not discrimination and indifference, but it expresses that you and I can be friends, but I don't want to call you brothers or even family. Politeness .

So, seaside buddies, please stop publishing cultural determinism, the most unfalsifiable theory in modern politics. You said a lot of love words with all your heart, and the pinks not only won't eat your way, but also scolded you for emulsifying. For Taiwanese, it is really embarrassing for you to stand in the shit hole and say that we are all a fragrant family.

It is not the culture or the mother tongue that determines whether a group of people is willing to be allies or not to form a country, but the concept, the concept of freedom, the concept of civil society, the concept of democratic society.

Well, that's all for today's sharing. To protect the value of Taiwan is to protect the value of the entire Chinese society. If you think this video is still helpful to you, please remember to subscribe, like, share and support. I'm Marley, let's go See you next time, bye.


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