【Life Record】My father, my pride

Because only we know how difficult it is to be like him, and what a proud existence.

Because of the death of grandma and the fact that the epidemic has not cooled down, this year is not like previous years. We invite everyone to celebrate Father's Day together at home. Thanks to the development of technology, we can still simultaneously convey our little (big) carrot heads through video. bless.

Grandma gave birth to five children in total. Dad, the third eldest, was in his early twenties and became a "special" eldest son after the eldest and the second died of illness, so he took care of grandpa. Grandma's responsibility. Recently, the relationship between the launch of the second season of "The Cultivation of a Common Girl" , I went back and re-watched the first season. Behind this kind of comedy, it actually revealed the process of each character's self-seeking in this society.

A while ago, I saw the sharing with the key points in parentheses. If I were to choose the most touching episode in the first season, I would definitely pick the eighth episode in which Wu Kangren guest starred! At the beginning of this episode, Carina Chan's father was repairing his old motorcycle. Even though Mamma kept reciting Grandpa, Carina Chan's father still smiled and said that the car was still working. Wu Kangren auditioned for Chen Jialing's uncle, the uncle who "does great things" in Taipei, with a suave appearance, compared to the eldest brother played by Chen Zhusheng, people will always let the sun stay on this little brother, and grandpa and grandma have not seen it for a long time. The son he saw, he could not help but ignore the eldest son who was silently beside him.

It was not until the man in black appeared that he realized the situation and intentions of his younger son. In the scene where Wu Kangren confessed to his grandfather, he cried anxiously and said, "I'm not Chen Jinwen. I've been in Tainan all my life like him. I do the same thing to take care of the store for you, this kind of boring life is not what I want to live." While Wu Kangren cried that he would change, the grandpa only looked at the eldest son behind them and said something serious : "What would you do?", Chen Zhusheng's eyes were red when he replied, "Why did you ask me?"

On Father's Day, on the video call, I shared this passage with my father and said, "You are the real Chen Jinwen." Although the father on the screen continued to chat with me with a smile, I did not miss that Chen Jinwen and held back. Emotional expressions.

My father was very young and took care of my grandpa and grandma, who was in a little health. He never left his hometown. Every time the uncles and aunts who worked hard outside came back, they always saw that the busy father was ignored by everyone. One or two sentences, laughing at my father who didn't understand them. As I grew older, I found that at that time, like Wu Kangren in the play, maybe it was a little real, or it was actually more contemptuous.

I believe there must be a lot of "Chen Jinwen dads" who are filial and conscientious, stupid and stupid, and the focus is on the daughter's control haha. When I was a child, my sister and I looked forward to the fact that our father would be our knight and staged a horse-riding war scene. In fact, it was riding on the On Dad's back, and then playing too much, my mom stood up at the door and shouted, "What time is it!"

As we grow older, it can only be said that there are many choices in life, and there is no right answer. The only thing we can do is to keep going, because only in this way can we be worthy of our efforts. Once, my father shared with me that he actually had the opportunity to work in New Zealand, but because of the fetters of grandpa and grandma, he gave up this opportunity. At this time, Dad's eyes are no longer shining, but he is not lost. I think, for these opportunities, sometimes I really miss them.

In my memory, even though there are two brothers and sisters, aunt and uncle, facing the matter of taking care of their parents, the father who stayed in this family became a lonely warrior, and no one knew the pain in his heart. Father and mother have supported each other for a lifetime. Facing the dual identities of being a son-in-law and being a parent, sometimes things develop in a constant way, and the rationale is chaotic.

In this shaky world, the river of time, sometimes we have to make some decisions, even if we are still not ready, we can't be ready, looking at the old father, several times emotionally, I feel sorry for him But I also feel fortunate that even in the face of so much helplessness and sadness, I still did not leave any damage on my father's body.

As children, even though we have a lot of reluctance and anger, we also get a trace of redemption in the clear eyes of our father, because we know how much hard work we have gone through before we can transform into what we are now. How many thorns and obstacles have to go through before you can become a great father. Even if the whole world abandons him, and me, I love him.


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虎爺的實習日誌我亦亭亭,無憂亦無懼。 認真記錄生活的素食女孩,愛上被時光深刻塗改的自己。 歡迎支持:https://liker.land/liya1128/civic 歡迎交流回應,你的文字是我間接探索這個世界的媒介。
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