《1314》#65 Reproduction

The whistle was continuously blown, and the game ended with festive cheers. Although the Chinese team lost 3-0, surprisingly the faces of the players were all smiles... Someone patted me from behind, I looked around and still admired the demeanor and sympathy shown by both sides on the court The moving picture of Tu Qin, then turned his head quietly, and saw a familiar face. I quietly exchanged places with him and asked him to sit beside Tu Qin gently. He reached out and pulled Tu Qin tightly into his arms. "Ah!" Tu Qin turned around and saw the person she was looking forward to day and night, and she couldn't control herself and whispered: "At the bridge!"
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韋浩川韋浩川 StanMiracle。 小說人、自由寫作人、電影編劇。 無可救藥的雙魚座。 出版過廿來部小說。 電影《廉政風雲-煙幕》(2019)編劇。 相信「不被祝福,始終走到最後」! 盼能一直以文字奏樂!
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