[Magic sound. Extra] "Speed ​​Report" Three of three stopped for an instant

"Mu Mu Feng! This world is fake enough. What we need is the truth." This is Ying Yue's belief and the reason why she is determined to help Lin Feng be rehabilitated. A week later, Yingyue placed a stack of evidence including expert evaluation and psychological analysis in front of the department head. That was enough to prove that Lin Feng indeed had the ability to surpass countless students in the same department, and was enough to complete the exercise perfectly on his own... Lin Feng understood for the first time that hard work could reverse everything.
Cover image of "Farewell Overture" (MagicVoice II). Illustrated by: KC.5

A few years ago, Lin Feng had just entered university and entered the journalism department that many people were eager to study. This is not worth showing off to him. However, even though he didn't pay much attention to his studies, his grades were always among the best.

Then, an exercise that emphasized team spirit frustrated Lin Feng, who was proud of his talent and had no friends, for the first time. You won't get a single point from the exercises. Not only was he disqualified, he was also found guilty of cheating, and all his good results in the past were questioned!

He had always taken everything for granted, and no one would pay attention to him even if he complained. Except for Yingyue, who was in the same department at the time but was about to graduate.

"Mu Mu Feng! This world is false enough. What we need is the truth."

This is Yingyue's belief and the reason why she is determined to help Lin Feng be rehabilitated.

A week later, Yingyue placed a stack of evidence including expert evaluation and psychological analysis in front of the department head. That is enough to prove that Lin Feng indeed has the ability to surpass countless students in the same department, and is enough to complete the exercise perfectly on his own...

Lin Feng understood for the first time that hard work could reverse everything.

However, the cherry moon of the past seems to have disappeared?

Another month later, Yingyue finally returned to the newspaper office. Multiple exclusive features over the past month and a half did not make her look at in a different light, but instead she was transferred to the entertainment section!

"When someone saw you running so fast during an interview, it was scary! It would be best for you to be the paparazzi, wouldn't it?" The boss pretended to be surprised.

She reluctantly accepted the new job.

In the next two months, her follow-up list was filled with a band that she had always dismissed despite being extremely influential - Magic Voice.

"Help me." One day, she "gave an order" to Lin Feng.

"You can handle it well on your own, but you still need my help?"

"Then will you help or not?"

Lin Feng could only nod with a wry smile and set off following Ying Yue.

The location of this interview was the concert of the magic music group MagicVoice.

When they arrived, the venue was already crowded with other colleagues.

"Let's go directly to the backstage." Yingyue suddenly took Lin Feng's hand...


The wind blew violently...

After a period of dizziness, when he opened his eyes again, Lin Feng found that they were already in the passage in front of the backstage of the venue. Yingyue has taken out the recording pen and is preparing to track down the band members in this important backstage area!

Probably, not many paparazzi can be so magical! Lin Feng muttered.


There was another gust of wind, and the cherry moon disappeared in front of my eyes. Lin Feng ran on instinct, hoping to catch up with Ying Yue who teleported to an unknown place.

Soon, he faintly heard who Yingyue was talking to...

"I'm sorry, this is a restricted area. Please leave." Lin Feng recognized that he was the young manager of the Magic Music Group...

"Ji Yao, when you want to do publicity, you can do anything. It's our turn to do an exclusive interview, but you want to stop us?" Yingyue seemed to be relying on familiarity.

"We will certainly welcome you through normal channels..."

The next moment, Lin Feng finally saw Yingyue...

Ji Yao has disappeared, leaving only Ying Yue with a blank look on her face...

From that day on, Lin Feng discovered that the Yingyue he knew was slowly coming back.

The face with heavy make-up has regained its beauty, and the brand-name outfit has become simple...

Although, she is still as fast as a vanguard and even likes to call him around more than before...

"You're in such a hurry, why don't you use magic power?" One day, Lin Feng couldn't help but ask.

"No more." Yingyue shrugged. "That day, Ji Yao gave me a big gift."

"What gift?"

"Give me a choice and turn me back into a down-to-earth ordinary person... What does it have to do with you? In short, just follow me, don't even think about escaping!"

Suddenly, everything stopped! Yingyue's movements seemed to be frozen.

Lin Feng approached Yingyue and kissed her gently on the cheek.

Everything is back to normal again.

"Is this how you help me get my camera back? Is this how you help me all this time?" A faint blush appeared on Ying Yue's cheek that had just been kissed. "Sorry, I just chose not to abuse it. Ji Yao didn't take away my ability, so you can't make me still. The most important thing is that she made me feel someone's thoughts!"

Yingyue smiled mischievously.

Lin Feng's face turned red.

"Let's go! Mu Mu Feng!"

End of "Speed ​​Report" (the story takes place between the prequel 2 "Hearing Silent Confession" and the main story 2 "Farewell Overture" of "The Devil's Voice")

Ling Ying cooperates with Ji Yao to explore his thoughts with inspiration. Comics inside "Farewell Overture" (MagicVoice II). Illustrated by: KC.5
Ling Ying. She is the sixth-generation female lead singer of the Magic Music Group. She is the youngest and is known as the little singer. Possess the magic of Shadow. Chronicles. Manager of the Magic Music Band. The youngest manager of Sound Dance Records. Has half the magic of MagicVoice. Illustrated by: KC.5


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

韋浩川韋浩川 StanMiracle。 小說人、自由寫作人、電影編劇。 無可救藥的雙魚座。 出版過廿來部小說。 電影《廉政風雲-煙幕》(2019)編劇。 相信「不被祝福,始終走到最後」! 盼能一直以文字奏樂!
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《都市靜止》#332 生命消逝

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《都市靜止》#331 創造回憶