Braised Braised Pork at Home Cooking Anti-epidemic Table


Braised pork/braised pork can be said to be one of the delicious representatives of Taiwan

I didn't know until I left Taiwan

In the past, there was often a pot of fragrant braised pork on the table at home.

Only then did I know how to thank my mother

Craving for braised pork every now and then in Copenhagen

But I have never been able to find thick three-layer meat with oily flowers here.

A while ago, I finally met it in Yachao near my home

Without further ado, pick up two boxes and take them home

Finally took some time last Sunday

Braised pork belly at Danielson's Kitchen

By the way, marinated eggs and marinated carrots

This pot will become dinner on the epidemic prevention table

Although the whole process of marinating this pot will take a long time, when I see the oily marinated pork, I really feel that the time spent is well worth it because the marinating time is long enough, the color is still beautiful and the meat has no meat. The braised pork can be opened with a pair of chopsticks. Even the fat part will not make people feel sick to the stomach. Mr. Mai, a Viking who usually does not eat fatty meat, is full of praise and eats several pieces plus DANELSON to make it by himself. The cold cucumber with the braised pork is really quick to match. Later, pouring the marinade on the rice is not perfect, but it also tastes like a mother.

Although the whole process of marinating this pot will take a long time

But when I saw that shiny braised pork

I really think it's worth the time

Because it's been boiled for a long time

Pretty color

And the meat has been marinated to the point of opening it with chopsticks

Even the fat part will not make people feel nauseated

Mr. Mai, a Viking who doesn't usually eat fatty meat, is full of praise

And ate a few

Plus Danielson's own gherkin salad

Eat it with the braised pork

Really fast dating

Then pour the marinade over the rice

not perfect

But it also smells like a mother


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Danielson在童話王國丹麥喜歡旅行, 因家境貧窮,從不敢相信自己可以到國外旅行,甚至有天會住在國外。到夏威夷唸書的機會開拓了我人生視野和生活經驗。 從台灣到夏威夷﹐奧蘭多﹐紐約﹐Danielson 遇見了麥先生, 與他許下了下半輩子相知相守的誓言, 哥本哈根成了我第三個家。在這裡以平實的文字分享我人生的生活與愛情故事。
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