Exercise Log - July 7

It is said that it takes 21 days to build a habit. If so, then one-third of the habit has already been established.

July 7

1 Stick to the 7th day of exercising, 7 days so quickly, time flies really fast. It is said that it takes 21 days to build a habit. If so, then one-third of the habit has already been established.

2 Before going to bed last night, my sister reminded me that I did not exercise. Hey, you can't be lazy anymore, and immediately lift your feet to do air cycling. Halfway through, my sister, who was lying beside me, turned over and lay on top of me, like a koala hugging a branch. In this way, while coaxing to sleep, I completed 200 air cycling.

3 This morning, I continued to do 10 minutes of abdominal muscle training. Some movements were still not able to keep up with the beautiful YouTuber sister. However, after 6 days of hard work, I felt that the stability of the whole body has improved, such as when the hands or feet are on the ground. Start strong without shaking so much that you want to fall down immediately.

4 At 6:15 pm, I went to the clubhouse for a swim again. I swam 400 meters (50 meters x 8 times) like last night, but this time it took about 20 minutes, mainly because the rest time was reduced when turning around.

eldest daughter learns to swim

5 The goal was accomplished this morning, and the goal was to do 200 air bike rides in the evening. Under the supervision of the two daughters, it should be accomplished.

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