【Tips for job hunting #01】How to submit a resume?

As a foreign student looking for a job in Taiwan, it is not as easy as I imagined, and it is inevitable that some small ideas are required to submit a resume. At first, I only focused on writing resumes & portfolios, and then I studied a few points in some forums....

As a foreign student looking for a job in Taiwan, it's really not as easy as I imagined,
It is inevitable that some small ideas are required to submit resumes.

I, who just graduated recently, voted on 104 for nearly 3 months~
At the beginning, I only focused on the writing of my resume & portfolio,
After researching a few points in some forums:

 1. How to submit a resume to increase the exposure of the resume?
2. Is the position in this company what I am looking for?
3. How to know the company status, team size and salary?

1. How to submit a resume to increase the exposure of the resume?

Before I submitted my resume, I was used to screening job vacancies, revising my resume, and revising my portfolio during the day, and then submitting my resume at night.
However, it will be easily buried by other resumes, and the speed of being read is relatively slow.
So I made the following adjustments

• Write resume and cover letter in the evening • Submit resume in the morning • Screen vacancies in the afternoon

After making this adjustment, basically the read status will know the result on the same day.
Not sure if I'll be invited for an interview, but at least it brings me closer to an interview.
In addition, the date on which the resume is submitted is also very important.

• Monday to Wednesday: a good day for submitting resumes, because HR usually takes 3 days to reply. If you vote in these three days, you will basically know the conclusion on Thursday to Friday.

• Thursday to Friday: I won't vote these two days, especially Friday. If you vote, most of the odds will have to wait for the results every other week. In order not to spend this difficult time, I only collect job vacancies for the past two days.

2. Is the position in this company what I am looking for?

Many times, the job content written by the vacancy is very broad, and during this period, I can only read the work content written by others in the past, such as medium and salary ratio. Or share the experience with reference to the same job vacancies. But it is still not enough, what should I do?

In fact, as long as Google searches for resumes that have been opened in Linkedin, cakeresume, and 104,
You can find out the details of the current/former job in that company.

3. How to know the company culture, team size, salary range?

【Company Culture & Status】
Wondering this, I'm all through the FB pipeline ,
It can be more specific to know the current state and culture.
For example, some companies' FB will post about their recent activities, interactions between employees,
The company's operating status, etc.

In addition, you can also check the capital of the company
You can get a general idea of how big they are & how legal they are.

【Team Size & Salary Range
If the position you choose is professional and requires teamwork,
That must first understand the team size of the company.

Like doing UIUX,
You will want to know if the company has enough knowledge about UIUX,
How their team members are organized.
Knowing this information, you will be able to understand whether your abilities can be used here.

So how do you know?

In addition to the official website and FB, you can see what vacancies they have opened .
You probably know what the skills of the team members are.
Salary range is the same,
Although you want to write "salary to be negotiated" for the vacancy,
But sometimes other vacancies they open have salaries listed .
Based on the salary of that position, you can roughly understand whether the salary offered by them is lower/in line/higher than the market price.

ps The above is purely a record of the methods I tried, in case I need it, I can't remember it XD


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kleelab一位城市人,開始懂得慢生活。最近嘗試經營部落格 kleelab.com,幻想著有被動收入的一天(希望有啦 ... 快吃土了)
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