involuntary land


[Shuixiang Xiansi] When I think of reading "The Kite Runner" many years ago, I feel that it is really touching. The cruelty contains tenderness, and the lack of beauty is too vivid in the facial makeup. The father, who is almost perfect, has been praising the United States, but it was really difficult to make it to the United States. He had to take advantage of the wine on a festive day and scolded "Fuck the Russia!", which made me doubt the author's motives. .

When Kabul fell to the Taliban, the Western media were particularly concerned about the whereabouts of Mayor Jafari (ظریفه غفاری, Zarifa Ghafari). The reporter specially called to greet him because the Western media had known Jafari for a long time. In 2019, Jafaris was selected as one of the "100 Women" selected by the BBC. The following year, he received the International Women of Courage awards from the U.S. Secretary of State. About two months ago, Germany's Ingrid zu Solms-Stiftung awarded him the Human Rights Award.

When Lan Si heard about such a Western darling, she would probably consider it as another pawn to collect Yankees money to represent the overseas interests of the United States. However, after reading his interview in the Frankfurter-Review , it becomes clear how he has a love-hate relationship with the West. He hoped that the West would help Afghanistan, and bluntly said that what was good for Afghanistan was the good of the West, but he blamed the United States for always abandoning it and never caring about the wishes and well-being of the Afghan people from beginning to end. He felt humiliated when he saw that foreign forces came in and out of his country at will, and he was unwilling to take more responsibility.

When the Western countries marched into Afghanistan, he was still a child, and he remembers being frightened and frightened at the time. After 20 years of war, the Western countries left with a pat on the buttocks, and he has no way of saying anything. His future and even the future of his homeland can only be decided by passers-by, and the Afghan people have become victims of the power game. The United States and its Western allies have always negotiated with the Taliban behind the backs of the Afghan people, placing the fate of an entire generation at the negotiating table. Whether it is fierce or peaceful, it is involuntary.

In addition, he is more injustice for the absence of women. Only men have always appeared on occasions that affect Afghanistan's future. The Taliban only bosses women and never treats women as objects of discussion. With a double disadvantage, he tried to improve people's livelihood with perseverance and courage. He escaped the assassination of the Taliban three times, but he still could not escape the betrayal of him by the world in the end.

The Taliban finally took hold of Kabul, announcing that they would respect women's rights under Sharia law and promise amnesty for those who served the previous government. But how credible can a tyrant's promise be? In 1999, the Taliban leader Omar (محمد عمر‎, Mohammed Omar) announced that he would protect the Buddha of Bamiyan. The results of it? Three years later, Omar also declared that idol worship was not in accordance with Islamic teachings, so he blew the Bamiyan Buddha into powder.

But only the name of the Great Buddha will remain in history, and the Taliban will not.


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