[Old text] Strange Omelette


Recently, there have been many fake products on the market that stop the signboard of "Hong Kong Time-honored Brand", and even groups that use the name of purchasing agents to defraud are rampant, which proves that the craze for eating egg rolls has arrived~

[Shuixiang Xiansi] As the New Year is approaching, everyone is busy with New Year's goods, and egg rolls are a standing choice. I always thought that the English of egg rolls is "egg rolls", but recently I noticed something different. For example, "cookie rolls" is written on the jar of the popular local brand Jingji Egg Roll King. There are also egg rolls produced in the mainland. The surface of the can is covered with Japanese, and it is written "クッキーロール", which is "cookie rolls", but there is a small word "egg rolls" next to it. The well-known Garton also produces egg rolls, but its official name is "butter rolls". It's confusing, which side is the true identity of the egg roll? I think different translations have their pros and cons. Before going into details, you must first understand the origin of egg rolls.


You don’t need to ask about many things, but when you ask, you will realize that the world is full of mysteries. I believe that many people, like me, have believed that egg rolls are a traditional snack since the birth of my mother, and they are none other than the Tang cake family. The practice of egg rolls circulating in the market was found in the Tang Dynasty, but the source is unclear.


"Jade Chapter" has a record of a food called "饆饠": "饆饠, 饆 genus. It is made with 麫, and there is stuffing." And "Taiping Guang Ji" also states: "Every time the Hanlin scholar met If you give food, there are things like Biluo, thick in shape and delicious in taste, called the kings to cultivate things.” From this, it can be seen that the glutinous rice is a thick-shaped pastry with stuffing in it. Some powerful netizens have reproduced the gongs based on scattered records in ancient books and the fossils of Tang Dynasty pastries unearthed in Xinqiang, which look a bit like spring rolls.


Of course, you can be far-fetched and say that egg rolls are born out of scorpion, but there are still many missing links in the evolution of scorpion, and it is not easy to justify it. The egg roll materials generally include eggs, butter, low-gluten flour and caster sugar. After considering the shape, material, process and Hong Kong's geographical location, perhaps the egg roll was an out-and-out imported product before it became famous in the local area.

Wafer roll

There are a lot of Western cakes that are more like egg rolls than glutinous rice cakes. It is said that the egg roll was originally Norwegian "krumkaker", which means curved cake, and was later introduced to the United States with immigrants. But Spain's "barquillos" seem to have a better chance of winning. The "barquillos", which are interpreted as boats, can be found in the former colonies of Spain, including Chile, Argentina, and the Philippines. The prevalent Belgian wafer roll has long become a popular snack around the world, and it should also be in the competition.

Cigarettes russes

Talk back translation. The exact origin of the egg roll is unknown. Since it is called "egg rolls", it can be translated literally as "egg rolls", which is simple and clear. The only downside is that it confuses the stuffed fried egg rolls common in overseas Chinatowns. As for "cookie rolls", it's an overly loose concept even in the English-speaking world. It could mean "barquillos," it could mean "cigarettes russes," it could mean wafer rolls, or even Swiss rolls. I don't think it's a good translation. And "butter rolls" generally refers to a roll-shaped meal bag that is baked with butter, which is irrelevant to egg rolls.

Butter rolls


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