Getting old (4) | The person I love will grow old like me

One day people will realize that they are one of all things in the world / I was old when I was young and must be born again

Grandma passed away very early, I remember that she bought candy and hid it in her room and wouldn't give it to me. Not because I'm worried I'll get cavities, but because I really don't want to give it to me. When only I was at home with her, she would sit in the main room cursing me and my mother, then lowered her head to set the fire, and hoisted a high teapot to cook dumplings for me to eat.

When I grew up, I learned an afterthought in my textbook: Dumplings are boiled in a teapot - they can't be poured out . I still don't know its meaning very well, I just remember the teapot hanging high in the old hall of our house. Grandma scolded me while carrying the teapot, but the dumplings inside could not be poured out.

When my grandmother died, my cousin and I had a great time in front of the mourning hall. The coffin was placed in the center. We slept on the long bench, imitating the dead grandmother. As soon as we closed our eyes, we heard our cousin exclaim: Grandma has opened her eyes! She was standing on the bench with her feet looking into the coffin. Seeing me flipping off the bench in fright, she immediately laughed. But I really thought that grandma would come out of the coffin alive.

Later, when I thought of her, although my feelings were numb, I also realized that the dead will never come back. That's all she had with me during her lifetime.

 This week, the latest 16 submissions of [Growing Old] have been sorted out and shared with you, arranged in the order of submission.

1. Getting old | I'm back!

Author @亜希

When facing our elders, we always forget that people start dying step by step from birth, and they walk ahead of us. I thought it was not too late, but in fact, it had already slipped away like sand in the palm of my hand, and it was too late.

Recommendation: Axi wrote in this article that when her aunt was dying, she was fortunate enough to say "I'm back" to her relatives. Later, I recalled how I felt when I was picking out gifts on my aunt's 70th birthday, and how my aunt received gifts, which was delicate and touching.

2. Getting old | It turns out that I have never looked at you directly

Author @Light Clear Sky

Although we live under the same roof, I have never looked at you because you are too familiar to me. I always thought you were like that, the bright and beautiful mother who likes to dress up; the hard-working and tidy mother who likes to tidy up messes; the mother who is skilled in cooking and likes to cook delicious food for me.

Recommendation: Clear Sky wrote about the mother who had been "ignored" by herself for a long time, and the mother who "finally saw it clearly under natural light" one day - old, accumulated little by little. The author also linked another article about the mother's story, which was also very moving.

3. [I am getting old] On July 1, the weather is fine

Author @A cat who can play the piano

My dear partner, his health is getting worse and worse, his asthma is getting worse, we need money to go to a big hospital to cure his illness, I'm so worried, I must work hard to make money; but... it's too late, he Before my youngest child graduated from elementary school, he committed suicide.

Recommendation: This article about cats is very special. It is written from the perspective of a deceased grandmother. The language is like a novel, and it is very warm.

4. Getting old | We didn't know it then

Author @杨混

Friends who worked in the Rainbow Group before, almost all of them no longer pay attention to the development of gender clubs in colleges and universities. We are no longer young and young, worrying about the trivial matters in our lives, and have lost a cavity of loneliness. Looking at these depressing news, at most, I can only make a small cry within my own social circle.

Recommendation: The object of this writing is also very special, which is the gender club in colleges and universities. Compared with "getting old", "survival" may be more urgent. The author also shared the song My Little Airport.

5. The music educator who came from far away - Father Ma Liang

Author @Man Reading

In my heart, the priest who would wink at me on the way to command because I played exactly the note he wanted, the priest who would pat me on the shoulder and say, "Son, it's not your fault", never left. .
I remember that every time he went to downtown Taichung to deliver his musical instrument for repair, he liked to eat eel fried noodles at the Zhonghua Road Night Market. I remember he was afraid of the smell of stinky tofu. I also remember that he would always ride a bicycle or It's a walk with a rosary...

Recommendation: The author records an unrelated but very important elder in his life - a priest who taught music lessons in a Catholic school. In the meantime, because of the suicide of a classmate, he was depressed, and he was comforted and helped by the priest. There are also a lot of repertoire recommendations in the article, all of which have been performed by the wind band trained by the priest.

6. I am getting old, and I am getting old too...

Author @olive mud

When I was younger, I thought that getting old and dying was so far away, that I always felt like I had a lot of time to splurge. Now looking at my friends who have known me for 20 years, and their children are all seven or eight years old, I realize that I am not young anymore.

Recommendation: The author recalls the situation when his mother left, and then thinks that he is also "aging", and everyone can not escape this fate.

7. Getting old: Grandma and her three daughters

Author @HsuKeFeng

And about my grandmother, she had a funeral that anyone would want. There are many brothers and sisters in our family, and we don’t have to worry about no one at night vigil every day, and it’s still the same as the New Year. I was only going to high school that year, and it was summer vacation, and I stayed there for a few days. Every morning, uncles and uncles will always go to buy breakfast for the night watchman, so they must buy more, and no one is allowed to go hungry. Paper lotuses and paper ingots are piled up like mountains. There are always neighbors who don't know anyone, silently come to offer incense and pack a white bag. Even if it's just breakfast, the atmosphere is very similar to Chinese New Year. Every year before that was like this, but I didn't know it at the time. After my grandmother left, I never had a year like that again.

Recommendation: This story began when the author was studying oral history in college. It tells the story of the grandmother, who is a child bride, and her adopted daughter, her biological daughter, and her husband's illegitimate daughter.

8. Community Activities: Getting Old | Write a young past for a belated obituary.

Author @a small tree

You plant flowers on the parapet wall in the corridor, draw illustrations on Captain Lu's class card, carry a bucket of ice water in summer, persuade a sleeping child to get up, and stare at everyone's plate during nutritious lunch time. He said, "After eating that guava clean, bring it to me for inspection."

Recommendation: This article starts with "several teenage children and a woman in her 20s who is in her youth". The young female teacher is full of energy and brings countless joys to the children.

9. Reading Bigen|# is getting old• Facing the choice of life, old age, sickness and death

Author @Reading Pen Farming

In the era of fewer children, if one is an only child, married and has children, one has to take care of one’s own parents and the other’s parents, and it is difficult to take care of themselves. Family.

Recommendation: The author talks about the choices in the face of life, old age, sickness and death from the aspects of returning home, caring for and saying goodbye, and believes that care and companionship are the most important.

10. Community events are getting old

Author @MiSa

The father said that with the alarm clock, it is much easier to wake the child up. How happy we were then! Maya's childhood was full of cicadas, hibiscus, and phoenix flowers. In the hot summer in southern Taiwan, curious and innocent, she lay on the school desk and took a nap. Squinting, the trees standing outside the classroom, blinking, almost like watching a movie. In my heart, I long to grow up quickly so that I can explore the big world outside.

Recommendation: This short story revolves around the alarm clock, telling the story of Maya, her father and her family, one grows old and the other grows up.

11. How many aging families have been broken up by "preference of sons to daughters"?

Author @Qi Neng errand

There are a lot of injustices in traditional and conservative families. But many daughters still love their parents very much. She tried to study early in the morning without comparing too much, just seeing them laughing was the source of motivation in life.
The whole thing has become more and more the daughter's contribution is the duty and should be done; as long as the son pays a little bit, the parents will be moved and keep it in their hearts for the rest of their lives.

Recommendation: The author gives examples of the injustices and injuries that women have suffered in the family at different times, and tells about the family tragedy caused by "preference of sons to daughters".

12. Grandma

Author @Witch Pen

She is very skillful, pulling her left hand and closing her right hand, biting the thread with her teeth, and with two or three gestures, a lot of small hairs on my face have been removed. The hair on my forehead was really painful because it was quite long. She called me after she slid it, and she told me to bear it. I couldn't bear to twist it left and right. It was the first and last "line face" experience in my life. When I was young, I had an intuition right away - this will be a memory I will cherish for a lifetime.

Recommendation: The author wrote this article in memory of the deceased grandma, which describes the experience of "line face", which is very special and lovely to read.

13. I miss my dear grandma

Author @catfish

Grandma was born in Hong Kong and grew up in an intellectual family. She grew up to be an obstetrician and married her grandfather. My grandfather is also a registered western medicine doctor, and his life was very smooth, but because of the Japanese invasion of China, my grandfather moved to Guangzhou to escape the war, and then gave birth to my father.
My grandfather and grandma were born at the wrong time. At that time, my grandfather and grandma encountered the cultural revolution in the mainland. Their houses were confiscated and they were to be criticized. Grandma said that she suffered a lot back then, and what impressed me the most was that she said that she was in those days. The painful experience of being forced to kneel on the glass, the entire knee was injured and bleeding, and there were many, many aggrieved things. I was also very sad when I heard what my grandma said about the past.

Recommendation: This article shares the story of Grandma's life and the details of the author's relationship with Grandma.

14. Getting old | My family's "anti-communist and anti-Japanese" fighters

Author @Qijiwen

After my father was discharged from the army, he had a short period of time to run a boat and work on an ocean-going cruise ship. Every time I go home, they bring us some rare treasures and tell us many interesting stories. Then I had to leave quietly in the middle of the night and go back to work on the boat, because my brother and I would be reluctant to cry. He has always instilled in us that we must study English well, and then we can run around the world and make world money.

Recommendation: The author recalls the story of his father as a military veteran, and shares how the family lived and was influenced by his father at different times.

15. Getting old~ My grandpa is not getting old anymore

Author @zhenxiao

When I was young, I didn’t get along much with my grandfather. Even though my Taiwanese language improved a little in high school, I still rarely talked to my grandfather. When I go back to New Year’s every year, I would at most use Taiwanese to shout “Grandpa! Jiabenou!” (translated into Mandarin: Eat dinner) , or grandpa simply asked "Are you full?", I replied "A full."

Recommendation: This article shares the story of getting along with my grandfather. Because I am not good at Taiwanese, I seldom communicate. There was only a long conversation when my grandmother passed away.

16. We are getting old | When we grow up, we must remember to take care of ourselves

Author @王阳🐾Wang Xingren's nest

Looking at the few white hairs on their heads, I no longer ridiculed "you have white hair!", and began to learn to do things and take responsibility, no longer frizz, no longer a disservice, no longer even common sense in life I don't understand, it's not the me who didn't know how to look at people's faces before, but the me who is a little more mature.
I often wonder, is this something that adults have to experience?

Recommendation: The moment you feel your elders grow old, you also feel that you have grown up.

The above are the latest submissions of [I am getting old]. You are welcome to follow the hashtag # being getting old and read more works.

Past recommendations:

(1) Collecting fragments, re-bonding, creating and telling

(2) It's too late, if you don't love him quickly

(3) Hurry up with a pen and walk a long life


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