♥️My body has been loving me unconditionally♥️

The body has always accommodated me in any form, but I didn’t find out~ this article~ I pay tribute to the body~ so I won’t code ^-^

I feel that in traditional Chinese families, it seems that most parents, teachers, elders, and adults avoid things involving body exploration, private names, touching, sexuality, pornography, and lovemaking, because these Words, words, consciousness, and thoughts are always endowed with inexplicably great sense of shame, frivolity, obscenity, immorality, and immature ideas and explanations. This kind of embarrassment that no one dares to break at will is passed down from generation to generation!

Photo generated by Playgroundai

I don’t remember whether I explored my body when I was a child, just like my daughter Peiyan, who admired her body in front of the mirror without clothes all day long, twisted her buttocks, and Jin Jing stared at herself peeing , even full of curiosity about the naked body of the parents and will reach out to touch and want to know the correct names of various body parts. I think I should not have done some fearless behaviors like Peiyan, because I feel that I have given up exploring myself, others and the world because I was afraid of being scolded by my mother since I was a child.

It seems that because of this, I seem to have been cut off from the tight and intimate inner connection with the body early in the morning. I remember that when I was growing up, I often felt uncomfortable in my stomach when I was in middle school. I often took stomach medicine to relieve it, and it was as natural as eating candy; It's weird; motion sickness and seasickness a lot throughout growing up. Now when I think back to my growth stage, it should be that my body has been sending me messages without knowing it. It may be about what food is suitable for my body, it may be telling me not to wrong myself, or it may be asking me to do it. Returning to myself and letting go to please others may be to remind me not to suppress negative emotions, or to remind me to take a break, etc.

I have never realized that since I was born, my body has been giving unconditionally for me, and silently bearing my willful and determined injuries. The body has never blamed my intention, but constantly informs me of its condition through subtle physical reactions, and most of the time it relies on its own wisdom to manage and operate, so that I can live as usual, for example : Eating, walking, sitting, thinking, working and resting, talking, reacting, feeling, feeling, etc. If we lack or damage any small part of the body, it will cause discomfort or inability to move freely.

Just like the home accident that happened to me on May 28, the right kneecap was partially torn, so I still can’t bend my right foot, and I have to keep straight until the fracture is completely healed, but the recovery time of the fracture may be about It has been more than 3 months, and then the flexion can not be returned to a 90-degree angle immediately, so it must be carried out gradually according to the condition of the knee. This accident made me finally understand the importance of each part of the body. How should I cherish this body that can move freely and enjoy the unlimited freedom that the body gives me!

With this article, I sincerely thank my body for giving me unconditional love, including respect, acceptance, giving and bearing...

My dear body, please allow me to say to you... I'm sorry!

Please forgive me for not cherishing everything you gave me

Please forgive me for not paying attention to the messages and feelings you gave me

Please forgive me for not taking care of your real needs at the right time

I made you suffer...I'm so sorry...Please forgive me!

From now on...I will listen to you...to meet your needs...

Take good care of you...Love your body and mind with actions

Let you have time to rest, enjoy life happily, and become a happy person

Thank you...I love you...bless you...long and long...


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