"who are we? Observation of Human Behavior under Big Data

"It's just that people didn't think that digital data can now tell us how humans fight, how to love, how to grow old, how to change, and to point out who we really are." "Who Are We?" Observational Science of Human Behavior under Big Data - Christine Rudd

A book that uses data to prove that men are more specific, "Here, we will reduce human nature to numbers, not to various small stories." The author is the co-founder of the American dating website OkCupid, who has been since 2009. Carrying the data analysis of the app and putting it on the blog, it proves that everyone will talk about it, but there is never any data to prove it. Of course, there are some unestimated findings. This book is based on their sharing on the blog plus other public websites, such as Google FB will find the data observation and integration.
This book is mainly divided into three parts: the first one is about people being attracted to each other because of what they are, the second one is about people being at a distance because of what is going on, and the third one is about online communication between people.

directory one
directory two

At the beginning, I saw that the Chinese and English names are completely different, and there are some unclear points to understand. After that, the English name of the prophet is a playful character, and the Chinese name seems to be a free translation of this book:

"In all my data, there are two sides of 'doers and recipients'. Here we will think that the two sides are equal, and there is no difference between good and bad. This is actually a new concept. The English title of this book, in addition to wanting to play with the puns of "data" (data) and "Cataclysm" (disaster, big change), if you want to say the root "-clysm" (cleaning, cleaning) really has something to do with data. What is the significance, I think, is to bring this new concept. From this book, we see the full experience of both parties interacting, not just one party we notice at a time. "

The first part of this book starts with the most peanuts, such as:
Heterosexual men and women look at the opposite sex? Men's evaluation of women's samples will return to the normal distribution (normal distribution), but women's evaluation of men is mostly low;

Red is for women and men; grey is for men and women

It's a bad thing, so I want to bury it? It's not a matter of fact, but Luoluo is more generous than others. In terms of numbers, there will be a group of die-hards who think it is your advantage;

"Because everyone must be flawed, the truth is: Be brave and be yourself. If you want to integrate into the public, it will only backfire."

The age at which men and women prefer the opposite sex proves that men are really devoted to women in their early twenties, but in the end they will face the reality and women's preference is about their own age;

face the reality

The number of words to reply to private messages and the time to get replies can see that too long or too short is useless; the social graph between people is confirmed to the theory of six degrees of separation, 99.6% of FB accounts can be linked within six degrees ;
OkCupid tried to temporarily remove everyone's photos, but as a result, everyone's private messages were a lot, and the 10,000 people who just met the photos were not directly related to the satisfaction of the date and the relationship between the two parties. Everyone is good at choosing, but it doesn't matter how much they look. However, I personally think that it is because the people in this class would have been scheming before they would look at it, so I think the information presented today is biased.

The second part slowly goes to a sensitive topic, because the most difference between its data and previous psychological experiments is that there is no social desirability bias. Because no one has a questionnaire, you fill in sensitive topics and you may because you want to "pretend" or sincerely wear a moral aura in front of people, and everyone thinks it sounds good, and you use an app to only fill in it sincerely Questionnaire, so the inference pile information is absolutely sincere, such as:
People’s racial preferences for choosing the opposite sex are really relatively few blacks. According to data from OkCupid, Match.com, and DateHookup, men and women will have different racial preferences because of their own race. For example, men and women Asians Only prefer Asians and whites, black women only prefer blacks and black men prefer Asians, etc.

male to female
female to male

Humanity's worship of beauty is exaggerated. "Beauty" is in line with the earthquake Richter scale. Grades 1, 2, and 3 may not be big respectively, but the difference between eight and nine is already too far, and the difference between nine and ten is really a disaster. It can be destroyed into a city.

Afterwards, the curve of appearance attractiveness for women's appearance versus interview chances is an exponential curve (prettier, more chances), while for men it is a linear (straight) line

The number of times Google Trend's nigger and kkk reveal the changes in Americans' acceptance before and after Obama took office;
Cyberbullying on Twitter (or anything else) is like stoning, a stab of one per person is not fatal, a collective guilt. But it can also be a harbinger of armed conflict. The software "Condor" found that if the focus of the movement uses positive words, the movement will be varied and energetic, but if he starts to use negative words, it means that the movement is going downhill;

In the third chapter, I began to zoom in and out of the data, which can be used, for example:
What words do heterosexual men and women of different ethnic groups use the most and the least to describe themselves? too large a list;
In contrast, 5% of the pornographic content searched in the United States is "gay porn", and the different gay laws and social atmospheres in the United States make the number of official gays in different continents different from 5%, and only 1.7 in North Dakota. % The number of people who are willing to go to New York publicly account for 4% of the local population;
"DOLLY Project" (Digital OnLine Life and You) clicked on Twitter to see the epicenter of the earthquake;
Klout can check all your social media accounts and rate your influence;
Well, a few giant tech companies already know you better than you, from political opinions, sexual orientation, or even IQ, but you can use their services for free;
Private companies will make money from you, and the U.S. government will have a plan to monitor you.

This book mainly talks about the United States, and will give you a new perspective on what "big data" can do. There are many chapters that use data to prove that this is a commonplace or dare not face. After that, the style of writing changed a little. To worry but be sloppy. After reading the book, I feel that the Chinese title is "Who Are We? ” is more appropriate, the English name I would expect to be “#The Age of Surveillance Capitalism” (The Age of Surveillance Capitalism) is heavy but it is not, because “Supervisor” almost refuses to look at human beings from such an angle: “This new point of view The core is to regard human beings as creatures, and human beings are transformed into "it", "other", a group of creatures that can be collectively referred to as "them", and are "individuals in a biological group". The difference between lettuce, elk, and inchworm is only in the level of complexity. "

When I was watching "I", I remembered that Black Mirror had an episode that I liked very much, but it was rare and dark, called Hang The DJ (I wanted to talk about it two years ago, but Yijia didn't come out yet), which was completely supplemented by this book. The material is like the app of the author of "I". I believe that if Big Tech can share all the data and bury the whole app, the hit will be very high, but as I feel after watching Hang The DJ, one hit is a hit. Must be fine? Is the Life Department Mi going to be hit with one hit? Quoting from "Jian": "We travel in certainty, like intelligent machines. For the collective knowledge forced by others, for their guaranteed results, we learn to give up freedom." Marriage fertility rate is determined by you and your partner. The social stability and demographic dividend that the country needs?

Having said that, I do not recommend "I" very much, but it is worth reading, because I can see that it is different from "Supervisor". "I" is closely related to "big data". A pile of numbers really helps sociologists and psychologists understand "Who are we?"
Finally, add more words of hope in the book:

"It's not numbers that destroy humanity, it's decisions made through various calculations that make people stop being human."

Chinese title: Who are we? Observation of human behavior under big data
ISBN: 978-986-0767-60-5
English title: #Dataclysm - Who We Are When We Think No One's Looking
Author: Christian Rudder
Translation: Lin Junhong Publisher: #Marco PoloCulture
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