Looking at the underlying logic of Tiktok's ban from quantum principles


hello everyone, my name is Marie

Recently, I saw a netizen leave a message for me, saying that I want to talk more about current affairs, or everyone will forget me. Thanks to this netizen for the reminder, since the opening of the new channel, apart from uploading some previous videos, there is really no new content presented to you. But I really am a person who doesn't follow current affairs. One is that my ability is not enough, and the other is that I don't think that these current affairs self-media can provide much value. In addition to reading news, it is a conspiracy theory, or it is the extremely disgusting Panxia, the king of washing the earth. These are not things I am good at. Maybe I prefer to express my opinions when I think about some things in the same way. Therefore, it is inevitable that I will fall into the problem of irregular updates and procrastination. I also apologize to my friends who have always supported me. If you see that I have updated, it means that I really want to understand something.

Okay, so much nonsense, today we will talk about a hot topic recently, that is, the blockade of Tiktok by the United States. For the convenience of description, the following Tiktok will be referred to as Douyin or Douyin International.

When it comes to Douyin's way to go overseas, I believe everyone is very clear, and I won't go into details here. In short, it is a Chinese company's overseas app that has achieved the TOP level of global downloads and active counts. This is a gratifying thing, why is there such ups and downs. At present, the general direction of domestic public opinion is that it is the national hegemonism and protectionism of the United States. In simple words, it is the unwarranted suppression of Chinese enterprises, which seriously violates the principles of free market economy. The hypocrisy of the U.S. emperor once again showed itself in front of everyone.

From the Huawei turmoil in recent years, to the security risks exposed by the popular remote video software ZOOM during the epidemic, to the recent turmoil of Douyin being banned. It has become commonplace that Chinese companies or companies with Chinese background are frequently suppressed by the Trump administration. So as to whether there is a backdoor in Huawei's equipment, what is the data sent to China in the background of ZOOM used for, and whether Douyin threatens the national security of the United States, at least from the current investigation results, there is no sufficient evidence to explain this. question.

I especially like some studies of historical nihilism and parallel time and space. We might as well open a brain hole and look at the current Sino-US relationship from the perspective of quantum mechanics. In fact, most of us don't know how these multinational companies operate on the other side's territory. If you don't observe him, or during the honeymoon period between China and the United States, the interests of both parties can reach a balance, and both parties will be at peace, and there will not be too much speculation and suspicion of whether the other party is plotting against you. When this balance of interests is broken, the curiosity of one party will inevitably be opened. Maybe any little disturbance will become a reason for the grass and trees. The more you feel that something is wrong, it may really become more and more wrong. Which curiosity killed the cat watcher.

It may be a bit abstract to say this, let's imagine a scenario. A young couple who have been married for more than 10 years, both have successful careers, have a car and a house, and have children. Do you think there will be a family crisis in such a seemingly perfect family?

Let's look at a set of data, 2010 statistics from the American Federation of Marriage and Family Therapy show that 25% of husbands and 15% of wives admit to having an extramarital affair. According to a French magazine, 39% of French men and 25% of women have betrayed their spouses. In Asia, Japanese female writer Kameyama Sanae, who studies the phenomenon of extramarital affairs, said that more than 80% of married men in Japan have had extramarital affairs; a survey by an adult portal in South Korea said that 40% of married people in the country had extramarital affairs. Speaking of which, you shouldn't think that these are all things that happen only with evil capitalism.

According to the research results of Prof. Pan Suiming, director of the Institute of Sexual Sociology of Renmin University of China, professor of the Department of Sociology, and Deputy Secretary-General of Sociology of China, since 2000, every five years, a random survey of cheating behaviors nationwide has been conducted. Sampling and recording. In 2015, the infidelity rate of Chinese men was nearly 35%. Professor Pan also bluntly stated that, from the current survey results, "China has the highest rate of extramarital affairs in the world" . The above data are only statistical predictions, and the results admitted by the sample respondents. I think there are still a large number of people who are killed and will not admit that they have cheated. Therefore, the real interval of the above data must be much larger than the published figures.

Those of you who are watching the video now, especially the majority of married male compatriots, have you ever cheated and don't have a B number in your heart?

Well, let’s take a man as an example. According to this example, we want to show that most people who have cheated may be good husbands, good fathers, and good leaders in life. This is not to humiliate them, but they are indeed such a role in their married life. Perhaps their wives never doubted him, and perhaps the family lived in such a safe and secure way. From the feelings of their wives, can you say that they were unhappy? Unless there is a good person to tell the truth, or the wife finds out that day, the whole storyline may be another ending. The reason why couples are now advocated to respect each other, trust each other and not invade each other's privacy, in addition to social and moral constraints, is actually more of a reason to give each other and themselves a reason not to care. As long as you believe me, in the other's parallel world, this matter is a dispensable quantum superposition state, that is, there is no harm if there is no truth.

When many people see this, they may say, aren't you deceiving yourself, thinking that everything is the only state, and curiosity will drive him to verify whether it is what they think. Yes, according to quantum theory, once you have an observation, then the result of things will become a unique state, which may be the result you like, or the result that you cannot accept. In fact, what I want to tell you is that if the husband and wife, or even the two countries, are in a relatively stable state, then try to maintain this relationship as much as possible, be nice to the other party, and try not to let the other party find out that they have cheated. Even if you find that you have cheated, if you don't have a moral advantage, apologize if you need to, and correct if you need to correct. At least there is room for recovery.

Domestic mainstream public opinion will use the "Thucydides Trap Theory" to discuss the relationship between the United States and China. They believe that the conflict between China and the United States is the panic of the United States caused by the rise of China. The encounter is classified as a mere suppression of China's rise. Coupled with the advocacy of some Western scholars, there are indeed some people in the US political circle who believe that China should be deliberately suppressed to prevent overtaking. As for whether Trump thinks this way, I don't know, but I think it has been affected to some extent.

We all know that in the past 30 years, China and the United States have been cooperating and achieving a win-win situation, and the two sides can basically achieve a balance. This also benefits from the previous basic national policy of the Chinese government to keep a low profile. That is to say, on the surface, you are a good husband and a good student. As for how you play with yourself, whether you are looking for a mistress, as long as it is not too much, the United States doesn't really care. Americans once naively believed that through the brainwashing of capitalism and market economy, China could democratize politics and eventually become a yellow-skinned Western country. It is undeniable that each US administration has its own calculus. From Clinton to Obama, they still maintain an open attitude towards China as a whole, that is, I disagree with you, but I respect your right to speak. I also hope that China will make a fortune. After all, the Chinese can only have a market if they have money. China is also a country with huge population and geographical advantages. The US policy towards China is definitely different from that of other countries. Those who use the experiences of Iraq, Syria, Libya and other countries to highlight the theory of US hegemony and weak countries without diplomacy have no comparison with China at all. These people are either stupid or bad. I said before, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, are you still living in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries? Even if it is the Opium War, the Eight-Power Allied Forces, and various unequal treaties that are exaggerated by textbooks, what is the most fundamental reason? Connaught is a big country with a celestial dynasty. It has neither cultural export nor cultural import. If it was a problem with our thinking mode before, imperialism is also rude. You still don't want to play, and you end up being beaten up by someone else.

Now, technology, information, and human resources are all flattened. I am a big country, isn't it a lot of talent? The euphemism is to protect national industries, and to guard against Western ideas, systems, and business just like guarding against thieves. He thinks he has mastered the world's ultimate martial arts, which is incredible.

Let us take manufacturing and information technology as the lifeblood of the economy as an example. We are proud of the world's factories. Which underlying technology can we completely develop from scratch? Even a machine tool and a ballpoint pen refill, we can't rely on foreign countries. the mold? Which product is irreplaceable in the world? When it comes to the Internet we are proud of, which core technology and underlying code can we fully create by ourselves? Not to mention the operating system with independent source code, do we have an application layer system that competes with Apple and Android?

Many people will definitely say that we only need to use what you said, and we don't need to develop it ourselves. Yes, this is the result of global economic integration, and every country is a beneficiary of the dividends of this era. China, in particular, has caught up with the express train of the global division of labor in the post-industrial revolution era. We have born companies like BAT and TMD that are infinitely close to giants, but in essence, these companies are still in Google, in Apple, in Qualcomm, in linux, in windows, in Samsung, in TSMC, etc. These infrastructures It is only the ecological environment of the enterprise. The only enterprise that can become a quasi-infrastructure Huawei is actually subject to the above. To put it bluntly, whether it is BAT, TMD, or Huawei, in principle, they are all replaceable industries.

The above enterprises of the national light are still like this, not to mention other enterprises. So, we still have a long, long way to go. In other words, if the West, led by the United States, wants to sanction us now, it is really no different from the Opium War more than 100 years ago.

Personally, I think that the Trump administration's suppression of China is, to put it bluntly, pure revenge, a revenge for a scumbag whose husband was found to have cheated and was still drunk. Maybe the means of revenge is very shrewd and very indecent, but it is revenge. (Please note that I have always used the Trump administration, not the United States, because different governments in the United States will have significantly different attitudes towards China)

Now, countless people are jumping up and down, trying to catch the Premier League and the United States and use force to liberate Taiwan. When we open the history textbook, there are many secondary events in modern Chinese history, the second national revolution, the second Opium War, and the second civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Which time was not because the first agreement was not followed or the lesson was not reflected on. Could there be a second Great Leap Forward, a second Cultural Revolution? (Although the above two points are actually more and more obvious signs).

It's too far, let's pull it back. Said so much derailment, quantum, and imperialism.

Let's go back to the Douyin incident. Although I personally do not agree with the values conveyed by Douyin or Toutiao products, at least the domestic version. But I don’t think an APP can rise to the level of a threat to national security. Many people will say that Douyin’s huge US user data has brought threats and panic to the United States. This theory is logically placed in the current era of big data. Although no problem. But there is no direct causal relationship, that is to say, unless the Trump administration comes up with tangible evidence to show where is the harm of Douyin? To put it bluntly, Douyin is just a victim of this game of great powers, or an inexplicable excuse. The so-called "shooting the first bird" is not fundamentally different from boycotting Huawei. It is not fundamentally different from the Yarrow incident and the Xilin lesson plan more than 100 years ago. You can say the Trump administration is vexatious, maybe they can find evidence, maybe they will never find the answer. You can also say that because of the market economy with Chinese characteristics, it is more and more difficult for Americans to make money in China, but China has rightly told the world how good its gameplay is.

And all of this has caused the United States to completely lose its trust in the Chinese government. In the Western value system, if he thinks you have no credibility and you cannot prove that you are a credible person in his value framework, then he may Really can't agree with everything about you, racism is so, so is the international image. And in the end, his attitude towards you gradually became the one he hated the most.

We are talking about Douyin itself. The most essential difference between the second generation of Chinese Internet entrepreneurs represented by Zhang Yiming and the first generation of Internet entrepreneurs represented by Ma Yun and Ma Huateng is that they have hardly failed, and they have successfully taken over the mobile Internet. The dividends of the company can easily stand on the achievements of giants and skillfully use big data and artificial intelligence. Afterwards, there is the pursuit of capital and the support of policies, and there are ready-made users before. As I said before, although I personally do not agree with the values conveyed by Douyin or Toutiao products, it is just me. Many people will say that existence is reasonable, and how can you be patient with him.

I just hope that through this incident, we can let our young entrepreneurs know that the meal prepared for you by seniors may be delicious, but it is also dangerous to guard against thunder that seniors did not eliminate.

Finally, I want to say to young people, that kind of mentality that you hate me and can't kill me is really cheap, and there is nothing to be proud of.

Well, that's all for today's sharing. Thanks again to the friend who urged me to update. I'm Marley. If you don't have a subscription, please help to subscribe. If you like my video, please like and share it for me, and then leave your opinion. Then see you next time, bye bye.

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