Formal Diary | Sex


Recently, there are a lot of trivial things in life that need to be dealt with, such as going out, queuing, handling documents, etc. The weather is hot, but it feels good to be able to tick off the to-do items one by one; It's like grabbing the balloon that is about to float away from my hand, and life returns to a quiet rhythm again, not so many ups and downs, not so scary-meaning that my loved ones who care about me can also breathe a sigh of relief. .

And when the proportion of fear or anxiety is reduced, the time seems to suddenly increase. I can start to arrange what to do when I wake up tomorrow morning, what to do after reading the book and eating breakfast, instead of "can't get up" Between bed" and "fear of sleeping".

In the past few days, I have also re-read the book " The Ethical Slut ". I must say that I was just as pleasantly surprised by the love and tolerance I felt during the reading process as when I first read it; there is a paragraph describing "Sex in all things"; the author writes (pp. 52-53):

We think the power of eroticism is omnipresent: when we step out of the house on a warm spring morning and take a deep breath to fill our lungs, it is there; when the icy stream splashes on the boulders by the stream, it is there; when we are creatively driven to paint , when we tell stories, write songs, and write books, it is there; when we have love and tender affection for our friends, relatives, and children, it is also there.

as well as,

Pragmatically speaking, we used to have long, intense conversations with people that felt like sex.

Coincidentally, a day or two before I read this passage, I watched the film " Accident and Imagination " directed by Ryusuke Hamaguchi. In the dialogue of the first story, she used "caressing" to describe the two. People's long conversations; the process from strangeness, mutual affection, to sharing intimacy is indeed similar to "stroking" slowly but hotly, arousing one person's desire for another; both require a visit Always respond, patiently observe each other's reactions, and "relaxation" is the key here.

If you think of sex as a kind of "connection" that is not limited to the reproductive organs (especially the penis insertion type), the large number of conversations with "I" that you have recently perceived in daily life can also be regarded as a kind of sex.

I feel very good. : )

At the same time, I clearly understand that my state is like the moon, full and short; I hope that I can cultivate the power of "adaptation" before the next wave of "nightmares" appear.

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