Cannabis Egg Reappears


months ago

Danielson's first attempt to make Korean anesthetic eggs that have been very strong in recent years

It was a success the first time

Very tasty

A few days ago, I made this very simple Internet hot search Korean drug egg again

In fact, it feels like a store like a marinated egg

It's just that I didn't use the pot to marinate for a long time.

Instead, use pickling

After the egg is boiled

Put in the prepared sauce

Finally add white sesame seeds

Except for the anesthetic egg this time

I also visited some cucumbers in the sauce to marinate together

In fact, it is a very simple word "lazy"

So just go down together

Turned into a cold anesthetic cucumber

But the sauce is too dark

Can't see the cucumber at all

When you don't want to cook

Really a bowl of hot rice

add a cannabis egg

some gherkins

Drizzle with a little more sauce

That way you can get a few bowls of rice

And this sauce can keep adding eggs

As long as there is anesthesia egg to eat overnight


No one should keep making boiled eggs every day.


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Danielson在童話王國丹麥喜歡旅行, 因家境貧窮,從不敢相信自己可以到國外旅行,甚至有天會住在國外。到夏威夷唸書的機會開拓了我人生視野和生活經驗。 從台灣到夏威夷﹐奧蘭多﹐紐約﹐Danielson 遇見了麥先生, 與他許下了下半輩子相知相守的誓言, 哥本哈根成了我第三個家。在這裡以平實的文字分享我人生的生活與愛情故事。
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