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[Water Lane Inscription] Many Western observers have noticed the close relationship between the Irian doctrine and the Putin regime. In 2005, the Kremlin held an intriguing funeral ceremony. Putin sent staff to bring back the skeletons of two Russian-born celebrities from overseas and moved them to the Don Monastery cemetery in Moscow for burial. One side is the famous general of the Tsarist Russian Empire, Denikin, and the other side is Elian.

After the October Revolution, Denikin commanded the White Army in the Russian Civil War, starting a counter-offensive from southern Russia and regaining lost ground. For a time, he invaded Moscow, but he failed and went into exile in the United States. Putin's team went to great lengths to welcome back this pioneer who fought against the Red Army, and gave Russian passports to Denikin's descendants, which is undoubtedly meaningful.

Yilian did not hold an official or half a post during his lifetime, but he shared the courtesy with Denikin, which shows how much Putin respects Yilian. The Putin government not only welcomed back Elian's body from Switzerland, but also obtained a large number of Elian's manuscripts from the United States the following year, which were sent to Moscow and established the Elian Archives. It turned out that in 1963, Elian's widow died for the first time. In order to prevent Elian's manuscripts from being destroyed by the Soviet Union, Podolazki, a Russian professor at the Kemgen State University, managed to take away a large number of Elian's manuscripts from Zurich and kept them on file. at the school until Putin was in power.

In recent years, Putin has violated Ukraine, although there are various real-political considerations, ideologically, he obviously relies on the doctrine left by Elian to future generations. For example, in July last year, the Kremlin announced a long article entitled "On the Unification of Ancient and Modern Russians and Ukrainians", allegedly by Putin. This long essay is a must-read model essay for Russian soldiers. It details the Pan-Slavic historical view that the Putin government has promoted over the years, just like Iren's own handwriting. The highlights of the full text are listed as follows:

First, the so-called Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians today are of the same origin and are descendants of the ancient Russians. Communicating in the same language, they all follow the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Second, the country name of Ukraine is derived from the ancient Russian language, which means border. The so-called "Ukrainians" originally meant border guards, not an independent race.

Third, the Russians of the Moscow lineage laid the foundation for the unification of the great powers.

Fourth, the idea that the Ukrainians are a family of their own is nonsense. This is a lie fabricated out of thin air by European powers intriguing and cheating, especially dating back to the time when the Kingdom of Poland and the Austro-Hungarian Empire dominated.

According to Elian's claim, Ukraine has never been an independent nation, and the territory of Ukraine is also a sacred and inseparable part of the Russian Empire. He even reminded future generations that the European powers might incite the independence of Ukraine to weaken Russia and hinder the rebuilding of the spirit of the White Army. From this point of view, Putin can be regarded as a true biography of Elian.

The sound of the cannons shook the sky, and the blood flowed into the river. A Russian Passion Song was spreading all over Europe, and the new qin played ancient tunes.

The sound of the cannons shook the sky, and the blood flowed into the river. A Russian Passion Song was spreading all over Europe, and the new qin played ancient tunes.


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