[Reading experience] Warm and warm gloves country

The author Ogawa once called Latvia the homeland of her soul. If you like the style of the "Camellia Stationery Store", don't miss this heart-warming book!

#3.5 stars recommended ✩✩✩
#Author: Ogawa Department
#Publisher: Yuanshen

I got this book together with "The Shining Republic".

At the same time, I was also reading Neil Shusterman's bloody "Killing Ring" and "Decomposing People" two sets of books, so it was a bit difficult to get into the situation when I first read this book, because the first half of the book The details are too simple and dreamy like children's picture books.

It was not until I read the travel notes of the last author in the whole book that I realized that this is the story of Latvia being ruled twice by the Soviet Union. At this time, if I go back and reread the whole story, I can realize the truth and cruelty wrapped in fairy tales.

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The heroine Marika has been a wild girl who is used to being crazy in the mountains since she was a child. She only started to learn the handicrafts that every girl in the Lupu Mai Republic must know before her 12th birthday. And the girls in this republic are very good at weaving, embroidery, lace, and knitting gloves.

When a girl gets married, she should prepare a whole box of gloves as a dowry. In addition, she also arranges the gloves to be worn by the bride and groom at the wedding, as well as the gloves to be given to relatives and friends.

Singing and dancing are an important part of this country, and Marika met Yanis through dancing at school, and the two decided to start a family together.

Halfway through the story, the republic was occupied by the ice empire next door. They were forbidden to sing, dance, and even wear beautiful national costumes. The only good thing was that the weather was too cold, so the tradition of weaving gloves did not exist. deprived or prohibited.

Therefore, gloves have become an important tool for people to convey blessings and thoughts.

Latvia has many totems that represent gods or blessings, and women in their country will weave these totems in gloves, socks and belts. Men are responsible for making daily necessities (baskets, utensils, plates, etc.)

I happened to see this physical book when I passed by the bookstore these days. I really think the design of this physical book is very tasty!

The paper book cover is a unique totem of Latvia. The material of the book cover is a little bit like cloud paper. You can feel the bumps on the paper. I thought it was to imitate the feeling of crayon drawing. .

The author Xiaochuan's description of diet is still very good in this book! The rye bread and birch sap throughout the book also have historical significance.

I recommend it to friends who haven't read this book. You can read the last travelogue first, and then go back and start reading the whole story. It will be more enjoyable!

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