"A Complicated Story": The human heart is always the most complex


I haven't read Yi Shu's novels for a long time.

In fact, I never liked Yi Shu's novels too much. But her way of telling the story and the sharpness of her words are still worthy of appreciation. I also read some of Yi Shu's novels when I was a child, but the only one I really remembered was "The Collection of Morning Flowers and Evenings". She used the most concise words to draw my tears.

When I grow up, I will occasionally read her novels. I admire her speed in publishing books, and I admire her unconventional stories. I also admire her changing some good book titles, such as "She's Lonely Than Fireworks" and "How Beautiful" How Beautiful", "The Morning Flowers and Evening Picks", "The Stars Are Bright Tonight", "We Are Not Angels", "If Suzy Falls", "I Love, I Don't Love", "All the Stars in the Sky" and so on.

I absolutely believe in the importance of a good book title. At least I picked up this book and read it because of the title of "A Complex Story". The title is simple and direct, but it is fascinating. What kind of complex story is it?

The story is still novel, but it is indeed a bit complicated. If it can be summed up in a few words, the heroine promised to be a surrogate mother in order to raise the surgery fee for her brother. However, the buyer's divorce ended and the contract was terminated, but the heroine decided to give birth to the twin sons. The buyer's ex-husband wants to fight for custody of the child after knowing the whole story, but the heroine rejects it flatly, so he has to protect her and the child by her side, but at this time the buyer reveals an amazing secret...

If another author is changed, such a story will definitely develop into the heroine and the buyer's ex-husband unknowingly falling in love with each other, and then a happy ending. However, the beginning of the story is a complicated story, how can it be easily guessed. Of course, the ending is inconvenient to disclose here, if you are interested, you can find the answer yourself.

I always feel that Yi Shu's novels are easy to read, and of course the standard is higher than many authors. After all, he is a famous writer at the age of fifteen. Over the years, novels and essays have been published one after another, which is amazing.

Yi Shu's novels and prose are always known for their brevity, starting with one sentence or two, being straightforward and straight to the point. I think I grew up reading Qiong Yao's novels, so reading Yi Shu's novels would be a little unaccustomed, but I shed tears when I read "Chao Hua Xi Shi", not because of her words at all (if Qiong Yao did it, she would use a lot of adjectives to describe it) The feelings of the heroine, try to achieve a touching effect), but because of the atmosphere created by the author (a few words made me cry), Yishu's skill can be seen.

Later, I thought that what I wrote had a lot of water, and I always thought it was not concise enough. Maybe it was also because of the influence of the books I read when I was a child.

Speaking of "A Complicated Story", of course, it can't be said to be a world-shattering masterpiece. In fact, it doesn't have any in-depth words. It is just a leisure reading, but the story is a little more complicated and the writing is a little more sophisticated. It's good to read it when you have time.

"A Complicated Story" was later made into a movie, directed by Zhou Guanwei. It was his first feature film. Later, he made "Ten Years", "Phantom Love" and "Revolution of the Times".

"A Complicated Story" is Zhou Guanwei's graduation homework, and many actors also perform for zero pay.

Because of the large number of characters in the novel, the movie version has been cut a lot, and a lot of changes have been made (Yi Shu once replied that you can make changes at will).

Although I still like novels more than movies, as Zhou Guanwei's first feature film, it is worthy of support.

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