"The struggle will be successful!" The practice of struggle in daily life

Etta Lee
"What is your belief, what your daily practice should be." This is what Master Guan Zhongxiang said. As a social activist, a person who believes that certain things should not be easily surrendered, and that the struggle will be successful, this is probably the way to carry out the practice of daily life.

Since I started participating in the anti-nuclear movement in 2018, and I have been involved in the Lesheng Reservation Movement since 2019, I can still be called a social activist. However, today is not to share about the struggles that affect society, or the revolution that changes the world. Great stories and experiences, but my "practice of struggle in everyday life".

"The struggle will be successful!" I remember the first time I said this, it wasn't because of a press conference or a protest that succeeded in advancing something. Because most of the impressions left after the action are: rotten! We fought for so long and made so much effort, and finally the government moved forward a little (or didn’t move at all). It was only after scolding and beating that we moved forward. Wouldn’t it be exhausting! (As soon as he doesn't scold him, he will immediately retreat!)

The first time I said this sentence was in a class in the second semester of my junior year. Usually, if there is an assignment or report to be handed in, the teaching assistant of the course will notify you a week or two in advance, but in that case, it was only notified the same week, and we were required to complete a group project two or three days later. Book. It was the mid-term week, when everyone had the most reports and exams on hand, and I had no intention of writing any more of this. A friend J, who also took the course, immediately wrote to report, but the response of the teaching assistant was "cannot be extended", because the deadline for payment was already announced in the syllabus at the beginning of the semester, but I was not satisfied with the result and wrote again. It is reported that because it is an intensive course, it is not like other courses that meet every week and have the opportunity to remind the payment of homework. In the end, the teaching assistant said that after discussing with the teacher, he decided to postpone the handover time, and said that he did not notice this. I informed my friend J of the TA's reply and said, "The struggle will really be successful!". And it was also because of the continuous struggle, that is, J and I's later reflections (maybe other students may have also reflected), and finally exchanged for the welfare of the whole class.

And what happened at the driving class yesterday. Last winter vacation, I went to sign up for the two weeks when the school was delayed due to the epidemic, and paid the tuition fee of 13,000 yuan in full. After taking the course for more than a week, the school started, and my driving training course was postponed by me. For more than a year, I haven't finished the course (I didn't go to the summer vacation last year and the winter vacation this year), and of course I didn't take the driver's license test. Yesterday I went to make up the medical examination form and said that I would continue the class, but the owner of the driving training class asked me to pay the tuition fee of 10,000 yuan, saying that it was originally the rule, maybe because I participated in the training of the protest in Lesheng, I immediately replied: " Where is the stipulation? Is it written in the contract?" (I later found out that I was too harsh... I turned into a bureaucratic mode at once, I'm really sorry for the boss of the driving training class yesterday...) He later said Otherwise, I will be counted at 8,000 (sounds like a random price), of course I still refuse to accept it, so the more than 10,000 last year will not be handed over in vain. The boss said that because I have been away from the last class for too long, I have to start teaching from scratch. Of course, the tuition fee has to be paid again, and it is already cheap for me. I said, it should just be enough to make up the tuition for the courses that I have taken last year, that is to make up one-third (because this one-third is the one I have to take again this year), and finally he also Nothing to say, agreed. The sentence "The struggle will really be successful!" came to mind again (although it seems that in the process of bargaining, I should really be full of inadequacies.)

Yesterday, I suddenly remembered that since childhood, I was often said to be a person who digs the horns.

When I was in middle school, I was often dissatisfied with the correct answers to the exam questions, and I would argue with the teacher about a certain option during the class review. In the end, the teacher or other students would definitely become impatient, and sometimes the students would half-jokingly say, "Li Ruoci is here again! ”, because I wasted the time for other people to ask questions, and asked me to continue to ask questions after class; ten minutes after the class bell rang, the teacher left a sentence: “Hey, you are too sharp!” and left the classroom, And I still fail to understand where I am going wrong. Although the teacher's sentence is not malicious, I know it is not a very good adjective. Although I was not convinced, I continued to argue with the teacher about an A or B or C option.

When I think of this horny self, and the self who is constantly "fighting", this sentence suddenly comes to mind, "What is your belief, what your daily practice should be." Mr. Guan Zhongxiang, who directed the special report of , said. I just realized that I was actually practicing my beliefs since I was a child! I don't think I should just succumb to those things I don't agree with, and I believe that the struggle will be successful.

(Or is it actually just that I am positively dissolving my own trait of being a bullshit(( Huh?) Ah, but I believe that even if it is really being a bullshit, to a certain extent, it is such a trait that makes me join the social movement!

The anti-nuclear march on March 11, 2018, was probably the closest I got to that kind of social protest. Figure / Hu Muqing


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Etta Lee2000年生,台灣彰化人。雙主修人類學+生物產業傳播暨發展學系(以前叫農業推廣)。關注台灣的土地議題,參與樂生保留運動、反核運動與能源轉型。
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