Examination of Taiwan's post-war architecture - Wang Shuihe, an all-round artist

Toshi Tantei

Wang Shuihe is one of the few all-round art creators who have graduated from non-major classes. He only has a primary school education. With his excellent artistic talent, he was able to be a teacher in the advertising signboard industry at the age of 14. After two years, he opened his own studio and took the lead. He became the designer hand-picked by many people in Taichung at that time. His omnipotence does not mean that he is good at many fields, but he has a strong personal style and very high achievements in various fields, whether advertising design, movie billboards, font design, interior decoration and architectural design, sculpture, Buddha statues, oil paintings, furniture, From public art to tombstones, everything is strong and avant-garde.

Mori Yu Theater

It is precisely because he was not influenced by the modernist beliefs of the academic school at that time, and the masturbation-style Chinese cultural revival movement of senior foreigners, Wang Shuihe's design did not fall into the same pattern. You can't even define what genre his creation was influenced by. Lu, in the 5.60s, it was an era when the urban landscape was occupied by movie billboards. Most of the movie billboards in Taichung were made by Shuihe Painting Studio. Even the international theater in Yancheng can see Wang Shuihe's works. Sweet potato body, Shuihe official script body, and Shuihe round body were also widely used on signboards at that time.

Hebei Second Road Residence (Demolished)

From the experience of film kanban painting, he learned a lot of space composition and the essence of interior design through Western movies. He also cultivated his eldest son Wang Wenfang to become an architect. The father and son jointly created many works such as the Today Department Store in Kaohsiung. He also He collaborated with Xie Birong Architects, who had many theater works in Taichung at that time, and collaborated with Senyu Theater, Northwest Hotel and Nanye Ballroom. , matchboxes, etc., are all created by Wangshuihe. Many cafes, nightclubs, restaurants and parks, and Taichung's entertainment industry have almost become the shape of Wangshuihe. The architectural design and the application of water can be said to be all over Taiwan. .

Northwest Hotel

Recently, many works of Wang Shuihe have been discovered in the south and even in Penghu. It is a pity that such a talented artist, because he is not an artist trained under the formal system, may not be as discussed as other masters of the same period. Mr. Wang also aged in June this year. He passed away at the age of 94. If you are walking on the road, you might as well pay attention to the signs of some old shops or the white abstract geometric reliefs on the exterior walls of the hotel, which may be the works left by Mr. Wang.

#王水河#水河体# Sweet Potato Body # There is no one of the most dick artists in Taichung # The only man who won the first prize of the National Art Exhibition six times
(This article was written on 2019/11/29)

so delicious hotel
so delicious hotel
Taiwan Hotel
theatre today


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Toshi TanteiToshi Tantei from Atelier WooO \畢業於成大建研史論組,目前從事新舊建築融合的修復再利用設計。 \日常之餘鑽研建築理論與臺灣戰後建築史。 \期許透過攝影與都市探險,挖掘日常中的不尋常,以都市漫遊者的觀點呈現建築的不同面貌。
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