Four tips for renting a house with peace of mind

The house is just the hardware of a home. The most important thing is that the family lives together, respects each other, understands each other, accommodates each other, and lives happily together. That is a happy home.

Seeing everyone's various rent scars, Emmaton felt that her unhappiness with renting a house paled in comparison.

We have lived in the last house for about nine years, so we don’t have much experience in renting a house, mainly sharing the experience of renting a house in the middle of this year.

1. Set aside enough time to see the house

If time permits, allow enough time to inspect the property before renting, and don't rush it. A good house takes time to find. Moreover, when you look at the house, the owner may not look down on you, so you have to find another house.

Before deciding to rent the current house, we actually went to see other houses in the nearby area. That weekend, I had made an appointment to see two houses, but one of the owners went out that day and could only see one house on the spot.

Although the house was smaller than expected, we felt that the overall value for money was not bad, so we told the real estate agent about this choice. Then, we received a reply from the real estate agent that the landlord did not want to rent to a family with small children, and they preferred those couples in a two-person world because they would cook less and would be cleaner. At that moment, there was a great sense of frustration, do you not like cleanliness when you have children? This is discrimination, or prejudice. However, that's how people think, they don't pay attention to you at all, and they don't allow you to reason, you can only find another place. So set aside more time to see the house and communicate with the owner.

2. It is best to go up and see the house before renting

As for the other house that we didn't see on the spot, the real estate agent asked us to look at the photos on the computer first, and then asked the owner to see the house. But then there is no after. . After that, I couldn't make an appointment with the owner to see the house. In fact, I quite like the photos, because the building is very new, it should be about 2 years after completion, and the owner has well decorated the house, and the scenery outside the window in the photos is not bad. However, the husband felt that the rent requested by the owner was too expensive for the location, the CP value was low, and he couldn't go up to see the house, so he didn't want to rent it. Afterwards, I thought about it, if I could make an appointment to see the house, my husband might like it too!

3. Negotiate the areas to be repaired before signing the contract

Take pictures of any problems you find during the inspection, and tell the real estate agent or owner. Before signing the contract, discuss with the owner directly, or through a real estate agent, the areas to be improved. It is best to wait for the owner to make minor repairs before moving in. If the time is tight to move in, the cost should also be borne by the owner.

Before we moved into this house, we found a few problems with the refrigerator door, and the owner agreed to repair the refrigerator door. However, because it takes time to make an appointment with a refrigerator supplier for maintenance, after moving in, the maintenance master will be arranged for door-to-door maintenance, and the cost will be borne by the owner. There's actually no problem doing this, it's just spending your own time arranging repairs. This is also related to the first point, to reserve enough time to rent the house, so that the owner has time to repair the house.

4. Appreciate the benefits of the house after renting

It's like two people who get married and live together, only to find out that both parties have behaviors or small habits that are not acceptable. After living in the house, you will also find some flaws. For example, in our current house, the design of the doorknob is not easy to use, and it is easy to be thrown out. What's more annoying is that it is thrown out when you are in a bad mood, isn't it? Add fuel to the fire? ! However, after getting angry, you have to install it back properly.

The only way to have a happy married life is to appreciate each other. If you want to live happily, you must appreciate the house a lot! One of Emma's favorite parts of the house is the small patio. This is the first time I've lived in a place with a patio, and my two daughters love it too. Every morning, looking out from the terrace, there is a vast beauty of the morning sun, the land that has not yet awakened, and the cool breeze blowing, which is refreshing.

I like to dry clothes on the terrace, but the house faces north and there is no direct sunlight during the day. It’s a pity, but it’s good to have the wind to dry clothes, so after the washing machine finishes washing clothes, I still hang them on the terrace to let them dry. Hair dryer.

The eldest daughter likes to play bubble blowing here. If there is no special outing on holidays, she will ask if she can play bubble blowing on the terrace. As for the youngest daughter, she is very happy standing on the terrace and watching the scenery outside. Of course, it is also a pleasure for her to follow her sister to play bubbles on the terrace.

daughter playing bubbles

In the end, the house is just the hardware of a home. The most important thing is that the family lives together, respects each other, understands each other, accommodates each other, and lives happily together . That is a happy home.

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