Are Danish policies effective?


Since the epidemic

Danielson often reports daily Danish epidemic data on his FB fan page

But it's been a long, long time since Denmark's daily epidemic figures were reported.

because so long ago

Basically, the Europeans' attitude towards epidemic prevention is dead

Denmark is already considered a gifted student for epidemic prevention in Europe

Yes! So many Taiwanese should be surprised to drop their jaws and say

If Denmark was such a gifted student

What is Taiwan?

Taiwan is of course a super model student!

So don't scold anymore

Taiwan is really not that bad

Stop trying so hard to tell yourself how bad Taiwan is

Denmark is a European gifted student

But since the second closure of the city to the start of vaccination

The daily number of confirmed cases is still in thousands (but everyone is paralyzed, anyway, for many people, this epidemic does not seem to have come before)

But now the vaccine is about 30% (both doses completed) and about 50% (like Danielson's first dose)

Plus some regulations after the gradual unblocking

For example, if you go to a haircut, use it in a restaurant or coffee shop, or many companies stipulate that if you want to enter the company, you need to prove that the nucleic acid test is negative within three days.

It seems to have some effect

since yesterday

Denmark has also lifted the mask ban

In addition to passengers standing in public transportation, they also need to wear masks (yes, you don't need to wear them when you are sitting, and you don't need to wear them even if you are sitting face-to-face. Does anyone understand the logic of this god? Please explain!!)

It's really worrying

But today's number of confirmed cases in Denmark is the lowest on record.

down to 222

The confirmed rate also dropped to 0.27%

The policy of requiring proof of a negative test appears to be working

But hope it really works

It's not just luck today

let's continue

Hope tomorrow will be better


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Danielson在童話王國丹麥喜歡旅行, 因家境貧窮,從不敢相信自己可以到國外旅行,甚至有天會住在國外。到夏威夷唸書的機會開拓了我人生視野和生活經驗。 從台灣到夏威夷﹐奧蘭多﹐紐約﹐Danielson 遇見了麥先生, 與他許下了下半輩子相知相守的誓言, 哥本哈根成了我第三個家。在這裡以平實的文字分享我人生的生活與愛情故事。
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