【Ancient Records】East Longitude in China

Daxia and Yuezhi are outside the quicksand, while Xihu and Cangwu are in the west of the quicksand, southeast of Kunlun Xu, where is it? Where is "Langxietai" in the Bohai Sea?

Author: Xia Dynasty Collation: Yan Wu

The country is in the quicksand, and the seal is at the end.
The country outside the quicksand is the country of Daxia, Shusha, Juyou, and Yuezhi.

Xihu Baiyu Mountain is in the east of Daxia, Cangwu is in the southwest of Baiyu Mountain, both are in the west of Liusha and southeast of Kunlun Xu. Kunlun Mountain is in West Hussi. All are in the northwest.

Juyan is in the northeast.
The capital is in the sea. Langxie Terrace is between the Bohai Sea and the east of Langxie. There are mountains in the north.
Han Yan is in the sea, south of Duzhou.

Beginning Dou in the sea, Yuan Li Nan.
Kuaiji Mountain is in the south of Great Chung.

"Hai Nei Dong Jing" explains:

This section records the regional locations of the Western Regions and Eastern princes. The Western Regions extend from Xinjiang to Mongolia, and the Eastern Regions extend from the northeast to the Jianghuai area.

 The country is in the quicksand, and the seal is at the end. The country outside the quicksand is the country of Daxia, Shusha, Juyou, and Yuezhi.

The "quicksand" here refers to the Taklimakan Desert in Xinjiang. The two countries, Chengduan and Xiga, lived in desert oasis, while other countries were established outside the desert. Among them, Daxia and Yuezhi (Yuezhi) still existed until the Han Dynasty.

 According to "Historical Records", the Han Dynasty also communicated with Yuezhi and Daxia in the west, and also used the princess's wife, King Wusun, to divide the Xiongnu's western aid country.

When Zhang Qian of the Han Dynasty passed the Western Regions, it had been a thousand years of stagnation and isolation from the Zhou, Qin, and early Han Dynasties. In addition, the Zhou and Qin dynasties searched and destroyed ancient books, so that the monarchs and ministers of the Han Dynasty had no knowledge of the geography outside the Great Wall. When Zhang Qian first opened the Western Regions , as if groping forward in the fog.

 Xihu Baiyu Mountain is in the east of Daxia, Cangwu is in the southwest of Baiyu Mountain, both are in the west of Liusha and southeast of Kunlun Xu. Kunlun Mountain is in West Hussi. All are in the northwest.

The "Quicksand" here should be the Mongolian Gobi Desert, the "Kunlun Xu" here should refer to the large arc-shaped area south of the Tangnu-Wula Mountains, and the "Kunlun Mountains" should be the large arc-shaped Altai Mountains; Like Donghu, Hu is a large nomadic country with a vast territory and sparse population.

 Langxie Terrace is between the Bohai Sea and the east of Langxie. There are mountains in the north.

"Langxietai" should be located on the Shandong Peninsula, because most of Shandong is submerged in water, so the shape of the island in the Bohai Sea is particularly conspicuous.

 "Records of the Grand Historian" went to Langxie in the south, was happy, and stayed for three months. He moved to the first 30,000 households of Langye in Qianshou, and was twelve years old again. Make Langye Terrace, erect stone carvings, praise Qin De, and be proud of it.

Qin Shihuang had the original copy of the "Hai Nei Jing" in his hand. Of course, he knew the geographical location of Langxie. As for the construction of the "Langxie Terrace", it means that the "Langxie Terrace" in the "Hai Nei Jing" should describe the Haizhongtai Island, not a landmark building. .

 Han Yan is in the sea, south of Duzhou.

Both Duzhou and Han Yan were on the Korean Peninsula. At this time, most of the Korean Peninsula was submerged in sea water. The surviving people should have fled to the Taibai Mountains.

 Beginning Dou in the sea, Yuan Li Nan. Kuaiji Mountain is in the south of Great Chung.

Yuanli, Shijiu, and Dachu are the eastern countries along the coast, and the countries located on the plains are mostly submerged in the sea at this time. No country such as Heito, Qingqiu, etc. existed, which shows the great changes in competition in the era of agricultural city-states.


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文明之眼《推背圖》第47象:約五百年後 讖曰:偃武修文,紫微星明,匹夫有責,一言為君 頌曰:無王無帝定乾坤,來自田間第一人;好把舊書多讀到,義言一出見英明
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