The deceased's north and south are generally spring

Everyone is trying to "upload spring", we let ourselves live in the internet, and build it.

It started raining again today and the air was chilly. I sighed in my heart several times, fortunately I wore an extra sweater when I went out, otherwise I would have frozen to death here. Freeze to death in spring. But the weather was still soft not long ago, and it was a scene of about to enter summer, which was incredible.

When I wrote "Spring in the North and South", the cold spring came. But perhaps in this respect, the North and the South are similar.

This poem was originally, "The old man is in the north and the south is like spring", which was written by Xin Qiji. I accidentally caught it in a few lines, and I didn't know what it meant. Seeing that someone said that "general spring" should refer to plum blossoms, he gave an example from "Bai Tie": "Plum blossoms on Dayu Ridge, the southern branches fall, and the northern branches bloom", saying that it implies "talking about a branch of spring". "Jingzhou Ji": "Lu Kai and Fan Ye made good friends, sent a plum blossom branch from Jiangnan, visited Chang'an and Ye, and presented poems."

The original poem also mentions "Yuling", and Yuling is lonely in every plum. The annotations say that this Yuling is in the south of Jiangxi. Tang Zhang Jiuling dug a mountain road in the fourth year of Kaiyuan, and more plums were planted, because it is also called Meiling. In "Bai Tie", there is "Plum blossoms on Dayu Mountain", the branches in the south fall and the branches in the north bloom, so it should be reasonable to say that it is "spring in the north and south".

The deceased is in the north and the south, and even if you don’t know the meaning of plum blossoms at all, you can probably imagine that although the deceased lived in the north and south, we lived the same spring. But old friends, now I have to aggrieve you and I to endure this cold spring that is not like spring.

At this moment, I read a poem that Xin Qiji accidentally wrote in a spring more than 800 years ago, "Spring is like a sorrow, and the clouds and rain return. The spring is long and leisurely, and the gossamer is flying low." I couldn't help sighing in my heart, The first thing I felt was not spring, but I cared that it was written by someone who didn't go to work.

Xin Qiji really doesn't work, at least he doesn't need to work like you and I do today. The only thing that is similar is that the cold and summer seasons and the changing seasons remain unchanged for more than 800 years. The spring breeze that blew past Xin Qiji's shoulder 800 years ago is blowing on us today. From this point of view, we and the ancients and the deceased can be regarded as "spring in the north and south".

But the feeling is still different after all. Xin Qiji's spring is "returning with clouds and rain", "spring is long and leisurely, and the gossamer is flying low in the sun", while your spring is when the flowers are blooming everywhere, and the turquoise Mai Lang rolled over, who was still typing on the keyboard in the office. This is the spring of today. The ones on the screen are often the first to come, and they are scrambling for each other, but they only bring news, and they cannot share the smell and touch. It feels like stepping on the spring.

Now it is really impossible for us to experience "returning only after the clouds and rain". Long leisure in spring is just a romantic imagination, even delusional, which is beyond the reach of today's people. We always miss a noisy and crowded world, and what remains in real life for a long time is never as complete as three souls and seven souls. Who would know whether it was the willow branches by the stream or a swallow under the eaves that was "flying low all day long" through the spider silk easily.

But if writing poems, and luckily letting them spread to this day, is actually "downloading" and then "uploading" spring, then we are actually doing a good job today, and the Internet is already full of spring.

Everyone is trying to "upload spring", we let ourselves live in the internet, and build it. Spring, summer, autumn and winter wrap the real world like a tangible net. The Internet wraps our consciousness, and we lightly cover it with a web of spring memories. Intangible things are equally vast, spring, summer, autumn and winter are like its four corners.

I don't know who is the shadow of the two worlds, but it must be "spring in the north and south" at this time.


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