[Miscellaneous] Japanese people always give way to pedestrians because they are polite? A glimpse of Japan's traffic rules


Because I often hear some Wen Qing (?) like to talk about Japan when it comes to giving way to pedestrians.

The same is true of littering, but in fact, I often see cigarette butts (black question marks) when I go to Japan. Do these people need to see an ophthalmologist, and are their glasses not enough?

I just happened to be translating Haruki Murakami's broadcast recently, and I saw him mentioning that he was full of points, his driver's license was suspended, and he was punished for social labor. A little surprised: wait? Is this something that can be said on the radio? Is it something that can be easily filled up?

So, I went to check the traffic violation point table in Japan.

Click in, you can see a long form!

What happened to the point set?

Taking the minimum traffic rule violation as an example, according to Japanese traffic laws, the driver's license will be suspended for 30 to 90 days if it is over 6 o'clock and below 14 o'clock within three years. They don't seem to have a suspension system, they just suspend the validity of the driver's license. (Please advise if I am wrong)

Look carefully at the various penalties, 6 points are actually full and easy to accumulate.

Stopping at a stop is prohibited at 2 points once, 1 point without driving lights, 1 point without seat belts, 1 point if you are a novice without a sign (+4000 yen), 2 points for violating the speed limit 20-25, 2 points for violating the limit Speed 25-30 is 3 o’clock, not keeping a safe distance or courteousness to pedestrians, parking beyond the stop line is also 2 o’clock, illegal parking 2-3 o’clock, using a mobile phone while driving 3-6 o’clock, 6 o’clock on the road without insurance, etc. , there are additional fines or penalties depending on the type of vehicle.

Taiwanese may be full once they hit the road, hahaha (hey) 🤣

Let’s try the most common situation in Taiwan: if the points are accumulated in three years due to various small things, and the driver’s license is invalid, it may be ignored and continue to drive without a license! (A bunch of grandpa and grandma on the road don't actually have a driver's license www)

According to Japanese traffic regulations, driving without a license is another 25 points. And I will send you a sentence of less than two years (it's easy to eat in prison!) and a fine of less than 500,000 yen.

And I took a Japanese class in Soochow before, and I heard the teacher say that the most terrifying part of Japanese traffic laws is the progressive system !

If you accidentally hit a pedestrian or kill someone, the fine is based on that person's lost monthly salary. For example, the minimum amount is 25K, if you make him unable to move for three months, it is NT$75,000. If you are directly killed, assuming that the retirement age in Taiwan is 65 years old, if the deceased is 30 years old, you will lose 35 years of salary, which is 10.5 million!

And according to the current punishment methods, it might just be the lower limit, and points and penalties will also be added.

The same logic, you run around without a license after you have accumulated points, it is not enough to send you points, jail time and fines, plus what you have accumulated before (minimum entry threshold is 6 points), so you have accumulated points Counting and running around without a license will turn into 31!

Therefore, another achievement will be unlocked generously: disqualification of the driver's license for two years, and to restore the driver's license, it is necessary to retake the driver's license two years later!

It's amazing! This game is so generous! (error)

Looking at the cumulative achievements of these numerous violations, I suddenly understand why the Japanese use public transportation or bicycles more often, which is troublesome enough. It's just a bunch of fines for the last time you go on the road, right? www

By the way, let's try the most noisy "drunk driving" in Taiwan:

In Japan, the full score for drunk driving is divided into drunk driving and drunk driving .

There are two types of drunk driving , both of which face a penalty of less than 3 years and a fine of more than 500,000 yen; however, if the alcohol test value is less than 0.25mg/L, 13 points will be added, and the validity of the driver's license will be suspended for 90 days. If the value reaches 0.25mg/L or more, 25 points will be added, the driver's license will be revoked, and the qualification for the license test will be suspended for two years.

Drunk driving doesn't seem to be measured by the alcohol test, but by the level of intoxication (not being able to walk properly). Drunk driving will be punished with a fine of less than 5 years + a fine of less than 1 million yen, plus 35 points, the driver's license will be revoked, and the license test qualification will be suspended for three years.

It's amazing.

Maybe it's more difficult to be a "rude" person under this system? laugh.


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