Ten things to do before you die

Do these ten things before you die to live without regrets? No, just to make our life more fulfilling and less regretful!


As early as this community event proposal, already thinking about what is life? what is the meaning of life? The reason is that in the past few months, the sudden death of a friend < Life is impermanent, please live in the moment > , and the death of Matt City's author @fengxiangwanli< Obituary: Commemorating Fengxiang Wanli, who traveled all over Taiwan with the eyes of literature and history Writer >, it's a pity, giving people a heavy sense of powerlessness. There is also the new crown pneumonia epidemic, which makes people feel the fragility of life.

What is life? what is the meaning of life? When I read <Bullet Notes> recently, I thought that life is everyday life, and the meaning of life is also these everyday lives. Live in the present, plan for the future!

1. Connect with family and friends for gatherings

After graduating, I entered the society to work from 9 to 6, and the gathering with family and friends decreased. After organizing a family and having children, meeting with everyone is even rarer. In recent years, socially and politically, many things are contrary to common sense, and the new crown pneumonia has made people more aware of the impermanence of life. Therefore, in the days where one breath lasts, I hope to gather more with family and friends, hold together for warmth, and support and encourage each other.

Planning: From now on, try to use technology to connect with family and friends more, express concern, and meet for dinner or plan or participate in activities together when you have time or opportunity.

2. Open a webpage

At present, the articles I write are mainly on Matt City. It is not that Matt City is not good, but I want to have my own private garden, and I can do whatever I want! Matt City is like an online community where everyone has a place that is both private and open. It is said to be private because many Matt citizens write articles here sincerely and share their stories or creations sincerely; openness means that everyone can browse your homepage or articles on the Internet anytime, anywhere.

Planning: Opening a web page may be a piece of cake for many people. However, I am a super novice in computer technology, and now the first thing that comes to my mind is to ask Google God to find more technical articles on teaching web crawling. Think about how you want to design a web page, and then do it. The plan is to complete this web page by the middle of next year, and move my articles there, and make an archive backup by the way!

3. Learn to draw

I think people who can draw a picture with one pen are very handsome. However, there were shadows when I was a child, so I always avoided it. . .

Planning: First of all, I would like to thank my friends for sharing their past learning experiences, such as Huanglei painting or harmonious pastel, etc. Recently, her daily painting series has made me understand that painting aims to express my mood and state in my own way. So, starting from this month or next month, I will try to learn how to draw cartoons or draw circles, and I hope that one day I will be able to draw a brush by myself.

4. Keep writing

When I was a kid, publishing a book was one of my romantic dreams. When I grew up, I realized that publishing a book is difficult, but not easy. The easy thing is that money is willful, and you can self-publish books at any time. The hard part is publishing a meaningful book that someone is willing to pay for. I've put that idea on hold for now and just want to keep writing and hone my skills.

Planning: Refer to <Bullet Notes> recently, and quickly record daily life, which may become the subject of writing in the future. In addition, I will continue to publish articles in Matt City. The goal of writing 105 articles this year has been achieved. The ideal is to be able to update daily, but I don’t want to become a daily running account (contradictory...), so the goal for next year is to write 150 articles for the time being.

5. Taiwan Island Tour

The first time I knew Taiwan Island Tour, was a college classmate who gave himself a big vacation, and then rode a bicycle to travel around Taiwan. Looking at the travel notes on his face book, I think it is a very powerful and unique experience. However, I used to have poor cycling skills, so I could only travel around Taiwan through fantasy.

I used to have bad cycling skills, and my boyfriend (now husband) went out on a bike ride for the first time on a date. Halfway through the ride, I fell and was injured and bleeding. He was terrified, and he has since backlisted cycling as a date event. When I travel around the island by bicycle, I often have to ride a bicycle on the road. There are cars passing by me, which should make me more worried about accidents.

Then, I see different people using different ways to travel around the island of Taiwan, maybe like @養七七, it is also good to go around the island while looking for delicious Taiwanese food or authentic food , or maybe like @the woman who is addicted to hiking

In general, walking around the island may be more to experience Taiwan's scenery and people. Taiwan is now covered by railways in many areas, and it may be good to take a railway tour around the island.

Planning: The first is to wait for the end of the new crown epidemic or to ease, Taiwan and Hong Kong across the strait switch, and there is no need to isolate back and forth. The second is to arrange money and travel time. However, I guess it would be easier to open a piggy bank to save money for the Taiwan Island Tour Fund than to "abandon the husband and abandon the girl" to travel around the island.

6. Sojourn

If possible, I would like to live in Southeast Asia first, such as Japan, South Korea, Thailand, etc., and then live in European and American countries. The period of sojourn varies from one month to one year. Compared with a few days of travel, sojourners can have a more in-depth understanding of the customs and food culture of a place.

Planning: Because it involves many regions, and the money expenditure is not small, plus I have many concerns, the ideal is to plan well before taking action, so this is not a short-term achievable goal. Maybe it will take until the two daughters grow up to have the opportunity to implement it.

What you can do now is to set up a sojourn fund to save money, go online to see the sharing of other people's sojourn experience, hope that plum quench your thirst, and learn from the experience to facilitate future planning.

7. Plan a minimal wardrobe

When I first heard or read the article mentioning the dressing plan with only 33 items left in the wardrobe, I thought it was incredible. How to match the 33 items? Even though the climates of Hong Kong's spring and summer or autumn and winter are similar, they still need completely different clothing accessories. . . I ignored the three-month period for the 33 items, because Hong Kong has less land, and all the clothes are stuffed in that one wardrobe.

However, after starting the minimalist living plan, I gradually became more aware of my dressing habits for each season. In the past summer, I found that my main outfits were to repeat those common clothes, no more than 30 pieces, plus some coats or accessories or clothing needs for special occasions, even if there were less than 33 items, but After a season, the number of clothing items used is not as much as I imagined.

Planning: I don’t want to stipulate that I have to be so rigid as to have 33 items in three months. In fact, my main goal is to build a fast and easy-to-use wardrobe every season, including the circulation of clothes washing and drying, so as to reduce the number of clothes worn when going out. What troubles, speed up the pace of going out, thereby saving time, and cutting out the decisions to be made every day.

Recently, the weather in Hong Kong is cold, and we are officially entering winter. We are planning the wardrobe for this autumn and winter. I hope to finish it soon and have the opportunity to share it again.

8. Insurance and financial planning

I am mainly responsible for family finance. We are not rich or rich, but if I suddenly passed away, my husband may have no idea about our family's insurance or finances, so I want to unify insurance or financial information so that husbands or daughters can easily find the information to deal with.

Planning: The tentative idea is to organize the data in one folder. When organizing this folder, I want to check the policy and bank account usage to ensure the protection of my family, and delete less frequently used bank accounts (minimal concept... ha)

9. "PS I Love You"

In the movie "PS I Love You", the male protagonist was worried about the heroine before he learned of his death from a brain tumor, so he wrote several letters to the heroine's relatives and friends to help the heroine recover and live a new life. The last sentence of each letter is PS I love you.

Planning: My own concern is mainly about my husband and daughter, so I also plan to write to them on special days, such as their birthdays, so that they can have a memory or commemoration in the future.

10. Plan for the aftermath

Have you ever thought that if you leave suddenly, your family may not know how to arrange the funeral according to their wishes? In addition, because sometimes I am afraid to trouble others and increase their burdens, I hope that the funeral can be simplified.

Planning: Temporary thoughts are 1) Donate organs after death: if life is lost, nothing is meaningful. But if you donate your organs at the time of death to improve the disease or life of others, it can be regarded as the last meaning of life!
2) Discuss arrangements with family members about the aftermath of the death: The tentative wish is that after donating organs, the remains will be cremated, and the ashes will be scattered in the sea, dust to dust, dust to dust (hey, this seems to be a sea burial...)


Do these ten things before you die to live without regrets? No, just to make our life more fulfilling and less regretful!

All rights reserved.


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